I have a 1993 13'
Bigfoot RV. I have owned it for a couple of years. I have had a continuous problem with the entrance door. when the vehicle is set level as one would do. the door frame appears to be out of square or the door is out of square, on the hinge side, it has a 1/4 in reveal at the top. on the strike side it is 5/8 in., at the threshold on the hinge side it is 1/4 in + - . On the strike side it is jamming, it has a 1/4 in. rub block to bring that side of the door up. It has rubbed a grove in the aluminum threshold, and the door rubs heavily on the t-hold. I took the door and the screen off the hinges. ( The screen door that sits inside of the door was jamming the same way. ) The door is 1 1/2 in thick, it has a
fiberglass skin on the outside an aluminum skin on the inside, with a large window installed, it has an aluminum frame surrounding the core. I removed the aluminum frame from the edge of the door. ( the door is flat and not curved ) The door has a styrafoam core with a soft wood stile and rail at the edge, that the aluminum edging screws onto. The wood rail at the bottom was a soaked and wet rotted piece. very sad looking. the bottom of the two verticle stiles were rotten for the first 6 to 8 inches, also soaked and wet the wood pieces were once glued to the face and inside skin of the door. They came right out. I cut 3/8 in. from the bottom of the strike side of the doors core body, ( with the wood pieces removed, 1 3/8 in by 2 in. by 19 1/8 in. ) I just cut the skin on the angle from nothing to 3/8 in. New pieces of wood, were put in place. The aluminum frame was screwed back in place with the hinge side where it was originally. I shifted the strike side up 3/8 in. and screwed everthing in place, the miters I filled a little to look better. I cut the screen door only 1/4 in. off the bottom strike side and 1/4 inch on the hinge side. Screwed doors back on hinges and the door looks square at the top does not drag or scrape at the bottom. Drilled drain holes in the bottom aluminum rail, made sure the window frame is sealed, all is well and the door works so well.
Later Kenny