Thanks to AC0GV for posting the pic.. since there was no Scamp built in 1017 I did not understand that this is the new style reading
light. But once I saw the photo, I realized that the same thing happened to me . The bulb actual comes apart from its base and dangles by the wires.
IIRC I used some JB Weld. IDK if it will hold long term but its been OK for a few trips.
The bulb that came apart on me was a replacement that I got from a high quality supplier - not from China. So I guess the design is the problem. I rarely use these
lights anyway so if it fails again I might replace them with a surface mount fixture that does not shake so much.
Originally Posted by AC0GV
I think they would be great boat lights,
but in our rolling earthquakes, not so much.
I've been on a boat is some rough seas that make the trailer on the highway seem motionless in comparison.