they don't have anything on the older models talked to them this morning
I put this same request on there Forum and they suggested I put it here for better results
Wayne I'm sorry they didn't have the information you needed. I am doing a new frame and up restoration on a 1973 Compact II. It is not exactly like the Casita but i'm sure between all of the restorers on this forum we should be able to help a little.
The 14 x 17 hatch sounds more like an
escape hatch size than a vent hatch which are usually a 14 x 14 standard. If it is an
escape hatch you may not want a dome on it as that would limit the safety aspects of the hatch. Do you have any trailer suppliers around you or access to the internet?
What year is your Casita? I would guess that the basic construction will be similar to the current models. The accessories and appliances may have changed but should be similar to other older trailers as these items come from the same industry resources.
What spacifically do you need help with?