Is anyone towing their older Scamp 5th wheel with a newer Tundra? We purchased a 2006 Toyota Tundra double cab and have a 1997 Scamp 5th wheel deluxe with a 3" riser and 14" tires. The tailgate height is 55" and won't work for the current camper set up. Toyota doesn't recommend lowering the truck due to problems with alignment and tire wear and may affect the warranty. I'm going to check further into this option.
So we're thinking we will have to raise the camper about 5" more to get approximately 7" bed rail clearance. Is this sufficient clearance? The old 1991 Dodge pickup we used to tow had a 9" bed rail clearance which worked great. We've also considered changing the axle to 4000 lbs. and 15" tires which would give us a little more clearance. Do you have any other suggestions, besides buying a shorter truck?
Nita, I think you hit the issues... raising the Scamp is about your only option. Just recognize that you're also raising the center of gravity significantly, and drive accordingly.
On edit... after reading Isaac's post... great minds think alike!
I don't, however, think that a 4,000 lb axle would be too heavy for the Scamp 19. IMHO, the 3500 lb axle under them isn't quite heavy enough. I think the 4k axle would be just fine, and with the kind of lift you're discussing, the 15" tires would be perfect. You may not even have to modify the wheel wells to get them to fit (depending on the width of the tire, of course).