First of all, I really appreciate ever response and I'm always totally impressed by the knowledge shared on this. Second, I think it is being all to kind to say I "accidentally" left the
refrigerator on all night. In fact, I also had the Fantastic fan running at the same time. I guess you could say it was an "experiment" to see if the battery would last the night. Yes, it is after this "experiment" that I found the fuse had blown.
I'm not sure if that blown fuse also prevented the car from charging the battery on the camper as well. Once the fuse was replaced, however, the car was able to recharge she battery on the Scamp. Again, any and all feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
One final note, to test this hypothesis, I was actually considering doing another experiment. That is leaving the fan and refrigerator on and seeing if the fuse blows again.