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Old 11-04-2023, 09:09 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by buellfire View Post
Happy that Perry is well on his way to repair. I asked the question when did the change to 3” axle tubes happen which is still unknown, I crawled under our 2021 25b25rt and I found two 3” 3500lbs axles.
That is encouraging. At some point they upgraded from a known weak axle.

During the course of towing, at some point, we will all get a wheel off the pavement or hit a severe pot hole, or hit a curb. I know I have.
I only exaggerate enough to compensate for being taken with a grain of salt.
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Old 11-04-2023, 12:41 PM   #22
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Name: Ray
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Originally Posted by Perryb67 View Post
The snow is now melted and I was able to go underneath the camper and inspect the axle. It is bent between the frame and the brakes. There is not a mark on the wheel, so only the axle needs replacement.

I received a couple of emails from Grant at Bigfoot and had a great talk yesterday with Darin, the owner of Kullot Trailer Parts and Service. Grant advised against any axle over the current 3”, heavy duty tube axle and said, “The 5200 set up completed has heavier springs, different bolt pattern and too heavy of spring. The heavy spring will shake the heck out of your trailer”.

Darin refuses to install any axle heavier than the 3” heavy duty that Bigfoot currently installs, for the same reason Grant advised, the needed springs will be too stiff and the camper will shake too much.

Darin has made this change on other trailers before. Since we’re changing from 2 ⅜” axle to a 3” heavy duty axle, and keeping our brakes, he has to make two plates that aren’t available individually. He feels the cost will be below $600. Unless it’s in stock in the Twin Cities, will take a month to get the axle, so he felt the camper won’t be available till some time in early December. We usually only camp once for a couple of days in November anyway.

One reason we purchased a Bigfoot: it’s built to last. It won’t last as long if it shakes down the road.

As always, YMMV,


It is always helpful and comforting when the mechanic sets limits on what he will do like this. It means he/she knows their stuff and knows the limits. To many places are "sure we can do that if you pay us enough". Those are the places that might not even do the normal ones right.

Dropping off the road is never a good idea. Have had to have some axles replaced for that reason in the past on cargo trailers. And one of those times it was mostly like you said with a heavy duty trailer with heavy duty axles THAT WAS EMPTY. Someone else was driving, and they did not slow down. Speed is your killer here.
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Old 12-17-2023, 11:59 AM   #23
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Name: Perry
Trailer: 2016 Bigfoot 25RQ
Lanesboro, Minnesota, between Whalan and Fountain
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Kullot finished installing the axles. We decided to replace both. Bigfoot has moved from 2 3/8" to 3" axles. These are 5,200# axle tubes, but the spindles and brakes are the same as on the 3,500# axles, so they must still be called 3,500# axles. Unlike Dexter's torsion axles Darren has yet to see a bent spindle on their standard axles, but I'm sure it has happened to someone. Going to 5,200# axles would involve new backing plates, brakes, wiring, bearings, and wheels, easily another $1,000, but we felt 5,200# axles are not needed, and I'm cheap where cheap makes sense to me.

Upon inspection, the no-name shock on the bent axle had a bent shaft. Our 2016 "barn find" 25RQ had only seen life on Vancouver Island, with 1-2 trips under 50 miles on the island a year. The nubs were still on the tires. Plus it had been sitting (in a heated, concrete shed) since summer of 2019. Since the shock shafts hadn't been wiped from use they were pitting. We decided to replace all four shocks.

The breakdown:
$189 - Monroe RV shocks
$578 - 3K Dexter axle beams 3500# MED WALL 88 hf
$18 - 3.5K axle seals 1.71 id 2.565 od
$17 - 1.986" drive in caps
$84 - 9/16, 3", 7 inch long u-bolts with nuts
$460 - Labor at $115/hour to replace both axle beams, repack all bearings and service brakes
$80 - machine work to make lower spring plates
$71 - sales tax
The total cost of the axle replacement was $1,497.

I then took the trailer to Discount Tire where they moved the new Marathon tire that was on the spare to the aluminum wheel, so all the tires on the trailer are Marathons. I see according to our F150 we have pulled the 25RQ 13,180 miles at replacement. The new Endurance tire is now on the spare. At replacement of the four tires, 20-30,000 miles (2-3 years) from now, I'll move the Endurance tire from the spare to one of the four wheels and put the newer Marathon back on the spare. As long as the tires are wearing evenly I don't rotate tires. Works for me.

This winter, if you see a Bigfoot 25RQ in Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona, stop in and say, "Hello!" It could be Terry and I.


2016 Bigfoot 25RQ - 2019 Ford F-150, 3.5 V6 Ecoboost,

Previous Eggs -2018 Escape 5.0 TA, 2001 Scamp 16' Side Bath, 2007 Casita 17' Spirit basic, no bath, water or tanks, 2003 Bigfoot 25B25RQ, that we regreted selling
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Old 02-18-2024, 12:37 PM   #24
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Name: David
Trailer: Bigfoot
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2016 Axle upgrade

I'm going through the same thing on my Bigfoot. Horrible tire wear on inside of front right tire. Grant sent part info for the upgrade to 3" axles. Currently looking for someone trustworthy to perform.
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Old 12-05-2024, 04:48 PM   #25
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Name: Scott
Trailer: Bigfoot 25RT
Littleton, Colorado
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Bigfoot 25 Axle & Spring Upgrades

I am sorry to hear you had a bent axle but I am glad to read from the forum that you got it fixed. My wife I just registered on the forum and have a couple of questions on this topic.

I am interested in upgrading the suspension of our 2024 Bigfoot 25 rear twin to 6000lb axles, 6 lug wheels and upgraded springs. We have owned it less than a year and have been cognizant of the capacity with a GVWR of 7500lb on the stock 3500lb axles and springs.

The big question I have about the upgrade is what specific springs did people use when doing the upgrade? The spring question seems to be the one issue that is challenging for this upgrade.

If any of the members can share this information, it will be greatly appreciated.
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Old 12-12-2024, 09:15 PM   #26
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Name: Charles
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I will chat with you this weekend, but to be clear, the 2024 model you have has the 3 inch axle tube version of the 3500 lb axles. You won't be bending those. Its rare to bend a spindle and bearings will run "forever" if kept properly greased. Several Bigfoot owners suffered premature bearing failures in the first few thousand miles of ownership, however it appeared that Dexter, who provides the axles complete with brakes, hub/drums and springs, did a poor to non-existent job of lubing the new bearings.

On a new trailer, one of the first things you should do it pull the hub/drums and remove the seals (you will need new ones) and clean and regrease the bearings and properly set the axle nut and install the lock or cotter pin. I do not have the Ez--Lube axles and if I did, I would never use the fitting, opting to disassemble and grease the bearings every couple of years. Ez-Lube fills the hubs with grease, which is totally un-necessary on anything but a boat trailer (which is what Dexter originally created Ez-Lube for) and the large amount of grease actually causes the hub to run hotter than if just the bearings were properly lubed.

'03 Ram 2500 CTD, 5.9HO PacBrake six speed std cab long bed Leer top and 2008 Bigfoot 25B21RB.. Previously, 2008 Thor Freedom Spirit 180, SOLD! 2007 Winnebago View 23H Motorhome, SOLD!
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Old 12-13-2024, 09:35 AM   #27
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Name: Scott
Trailer: Bigfoot 25RT
Littleton, Colorado
Posts: 5
Thanks Charles,

Looking forward to talking with you. When we took delivery of the trailer in January 2024, I did remove all of the wheels to inspect and grease the bearings properly. What I found was an extreme amount of dirt, grit and salt from the transport from BF to the dealer. In addition, the spindle nut was loose on all four wheels / drums were loose with a slight wobble. I took everything apart, replaced the seal, set the bearings to Dexter specs and remounted the wheels. All was OK after a few camping trips back and forth to TX.

I had not tested of used the Santi-Flush system yet but on a trip in May, I decided to try it since we had a full hook up site. Well, the Santi-Flush was not connected on the inside and after about 5 seconds my wife noticed water inside on the bathroom floor. We immediately stopped, removed the cushions and plywood to soak up the water that was under the fridge, inverter and water heater. No damage.

After getting home, I made an appointment with the dealer to fix the Santi-Flush and it was covered under warranty. I also had them check the bearings. They told me they took everything apart, inspected the bearings, races and spindles and replaced the seals again. Regreased and reset to Dexter specs.

When I arrived home, I raised the trailer the next morning with the Lippert Ground Control system to check the dealer's work. Well, the hubs were noticeably loose again. It appeared the dealer tech did not follow the Dexter procedure where you torque the spindle to 50 ft-lbs, back the nut off without turning the hub, then finger tighten the spindle nut, and install the retainer clip. As per the Dexter maintenance video. It appears the tech did not do step three and finger tighten the spindle nut because I could finger tighten the nut. I called the dealer to tell them what I discovered and they sent me the Dexter video and said their tech follows this procedure. I countered and told them that I could finger tighten each spindle nut so I don't know what happened. Well, I followed the steps again as per the Dexter maintenance video and have not had a problem since.

I agree with you about the bearings lasting "forever" because I have never had an issue with Dexter hubs or bearings on my motorcycle trailer (owned for 22 years) and previous travel trailer. I also agree with you that the EZ-Lube hubs load up the hub with too much grease and that is not good either. Over the years, I have done the same as you with removal, inspection, and repacking the bearings every couple of years or about 12,000 on my motorcycle trailer and previous travel trailer.

I think I just had some bad luck with the bearings / axles with the BF as they come assembled as a unit and are installed on the frame at the factory.

Yesterday I ordered the Sendel wheels 6 lug in the same design as yours and will do the same procedure of upgrading the drums, spindles to the 6 lug set up.
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