Hi all. I am rehabbing a 96
Casita Spirit. The door needs to be replaced, but I am having a hard time finding one because it is the curved model. Any suggestions on where to look?
The back window is also cracked and broken. Again it is curved, which seems to make it harder to find one to replace it. Any suggestions?
Previous owners had also taken the carpet off and replaced it with cork. That obviously didn’t work well and had become moldy. I have removed that and cleaned things up but am trying to decide what to put on the walls. I have found a marine grade half inch pad with vinyl lining that is typically used for upholstery. Do you think this would work? I am not opposed to the carpet but can’t find it with the pad like
Casita uses. I also thought the vinyl would be easier to clean, especially because I have dogs.
Thank you in advance! I really appreciate all of the suggestions!