I wouldn't be too hasty about turning it off. I have always kept mine running 24/7/365, even in the "lay-up for winter" mode. It costs virtually nothing to run. There's no motor or compressor. It's strictly convection operated. It costs me less to run it all year long than turning on the kitchen
light to cook supper in one evening.
Those convection fridges will quit working if they're not on. If the refrigerant is not kept in motion, the sediments held in suspension in the refrigerant will settle in low spots in the fridges' piping, and then it cakes up, and the fridge quits running. Ask how many people have had early fridge failures, and probably the bulk of them turn their fridges off, (which causes the caking of suspended sediments in the lines.) I run it year around, and always have. I always keep mine running all the time, just to prevent that from happening. Your call, but I'd suggest leaving it on and running it, for $3-5 bucks a year that it would cost, it's a small price to pay to not have to replace your $1,500 dollar fridge when it gunks up, especially when they are also a major PITA to remove. Just my 2 cents...