FRIDGE in 1977 13' Scamp? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 12-20-2002, 01:20 PM   #1
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FRIDGE in 1977 13' Scamp?

The fridge in my Scamp was yanked out before I got it. It did have one, this I am certain. I'm going to put another back in. What model Dometic is it?


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Old 12-20-2002, 01:59 PM   #2
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Call Scamp

I'd call Scamp, if I were you Don. They'd be happy to tell you which model would fit.

It may have just been an "ice box" which was cooled by a plastic tub of ice.

Do you see signs of gas lines or wires for DC and 120 volt connections?

What kind of camping are you going to be doing?

If you do a lot of dry camping, you might even just replace with an Ice Box ... particularly if you don't see gas lines running to the old refrigerator location. (Most use gas to run refrigerators while dry camping without electricity.)

If you are going to be camping primarily with services (electricity/water/etc) in commercial campgrounds, you might even consider installing a cheap dorm-room style refrigerator and not mess with DC and gas connections.

And, of course, you can always just cool your food in a cooler and not worry about the refrigerator.

Interestingly enough, when we winter camp up here, we don't even turn on the refrigerator ... just put a frozen entree or two, as well as a frozen two liter of ice ... and we're good to go for the weekend.

But, for the sake of restoring the '77 back to factory-mint condition, contact Scamp for information.

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Old 12-20-2002, 02:24 PM   #3
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Scamps answer guy is gone til monday...

Yep the lines are there. Scamp said it was a 2.2 cu. ft. whatever. I had to talk to a sales guy, Steve the parts guy is gone for the weekend. Since I have no real Internet access at our ranch, I wanted to get all the info I could while at a DSL connection (work). Dometic has the model RM4223, which I believe is the right model. These are available in The Big City ( San Antonio ) but that's an hour and a half away. We try not to go too often.
I have camped in some remote places and am knowledgeable about food in the "outback". Since I am really simply moving up from a 5 man dome tent in the back of the Jeep with the wife, I may as well have some "wifely" conveniences. The last tent outing with the family prompted this purchase. Let me tell you, a wet wife is worse than a wet dog.

When I hunt out in West Texas I usually freeze a whole ice chest of water and several one gallon juice jugs. That'll last 4 to 5 days, but not enough to bring a quartered deer home. We'll be camping in the Scamp at places like the beach (South Padre Island) or the various campgrounds 'round these parts. We have a dorm fridge, my wife has it at her office and we bought it to use exactly as you say. I have a 800 watt power inverter in my truck especially for it (and Christmas lights in the bed :xmass when law enforcement aint watchin').

This Scamp is destined for places like Big Bend and South Padre Island, No ice or power in more than an hours drive, we'll be needing that LP provision.

I was hoping to find the exact model before I left today, so I might order it over the weekend, I can hope can't I?:u

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Old 12-20-2002, 06:03 PM   #4
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Scamp Fridge


Both the current 13' and 16' Scamp packages come with 1.9
cubic foot fridges, priced separately at $603 USD, so Charles
suggestion is perhaps a better alternative since small fridges
can be had for less than $100 USD at Best Buy or Sams.

Scamp also offers a 4.6 cubic foot fridge upgrade on its
16' ers for $250 USD more or $850 if bought separately.
You would need to buy 17' Casita to get a bigger fridge.

I would talk directly with Steve at Scamp, since he's the go
to person there on parts, before making a final decision.

BTW, I'm in the process of moving from San Antonio, TX to
Mesa, AZ. I live in the Olmos Park area near Trinity

I plan to purchase a 16' Scamp with side dinette in the
near future after carefully reviewing all the fiberglass choices
in the market today. Scamp strikes me as a rock solid unit.

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Old 12-22-2002, 03:41 PM   #5
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Yo! Wait!! You can buy a small 120VAC refrigerator AND a small, cheap but noisy genset for less than the price of an RV propane fridge.... If need be, get a big inverter to run it while driving.

And you can use the genset to annoy your neighbors, run your Skilsaw in the woods and a whole bunch of other things. The little refridge can be moved into the garage if you need it there. None of these things can be done with an RV fridge.

Pete and Rats

PS For a little more, you can get a good, quiet genset.

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Old 12-22-2002, 04:56 PM   #6
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>>Yo! Wait!! You can buy a small 120VAC
>>refrigerator AND a small, cheap but noisy
>>genset for less than the price of an RV
>>propane fridge.... If need be, get a big
>>inverter to run it while driving.

I'm sure. We're gonna restore this baby. :bh I'm a member of the Texas Speleological Association (Editor of their Magazine). We spend a lot of time in the middle of nowhere caving. :bat I have a big inverter in my truck for our little dorm fridge, and tools and lights and lamp chargers, but the fridge is spoken for. We are gonna go for the 3 way. :cool

What I do need are photos: :helpme
Inside door handle and lock.
Inside door trim.
Body door trim.

Our little 1977 13' Scamp had NEVER been cleaned inside, EVER. :splat We just spent the weekend washing the bacon grease and cigarette smoke and who-knows-what off the inside walls. Whew! And we're not done cleaning yet! The door trim had been replaced with what I am certian was the wrong stuff. And the inside handle lock was CUT off. Yesterday I replaced the floor under the toilet storage area. Someone in the past had driven it over a stump or rock and bent the angle iron support, which pushed up the floor. Fixed. The carpet got yanked. The tape got pulled. The sink, stove, vent, and all the doors got pulled. It's up on jacks now...

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