I want to make my
Perris Pacer as lean as possible for towing. Would like to start with maybe replacing the storage doors. I've tried to read all the posts I can find on here. But have a feeling I've missed some.
What did you replace your doors with? Pictures would be great. I'm especially open to fabric ideas. Someone on here mentioned a stiff fabric connected with velcro on the four corners.
Right now the fabric store has vinyl on sale. This is a durable, easily cleaned, no hemming needed, possibility. Many colors. What do you think? I've had good luck with industrial velcro on other projects---how do you think it would work for this???
Another person on here mentioned wedging cutting boards, collapsible strainer, etc in the openings while moving to prevent things falling out. I even thought about cutting pieces of foam core board that would fit in the openings while in route, then taking them out when settled. (Thus giving the fabric some help during transport.) Don't want to overthink this, tho.
So far we've removed the bunk hardware: piano hinge/side rail/ legs. Some of those items were heavy! Also, the sink came with a HEAVY metal lid---I mean heavy! Would like to replace it with the cutting board with side handles I saw in someone's pic (they got it at Dollar Store!) but can't find the darn things now! It fit so nicely in the photo.
Has anyone ever replaced the metal table support with PVC pipe? Most of the time, our dinette will be a bed anyway.
ANY ideas you have will be appreciated!