After reading all about recommendations for portapotties, I decided that a PETT by CleanWaste is just right. Its sturdy, will handle up to 500 pounds. Since I weigh in excess of 300, thats a good thing. It folds up. I can make a box for storing it and the box canbe used to raise it up a bit. I'm also tall ............ and old, so getting up and down is bit of a chore. The box will fitonedgein the verticle closet next to the door in Hamster the
Campster. It will be perfect for a while at least, for those night time visits us old farts make. I have already ordered up a dressing room pop up for its use. And its available from Amazon, among others.
SO, whats the problem? It can't be shipped to my home address in Pioneer, Northern Calif. I'm guessing that it must be the chemicals used. Amazon can't ship the replaceable wag bags either. Here's the kicker. As far as I know, I can buy these goodies at an REI in Sacramento at a higher price.
So how can I find out where in Northern Calif they can be shipped? Are there any other alternatives?
Thank you, kindly. All help greatly appreciated
Roger the Lodger