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Old 10-26-2020, 11:23 AM   #1
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Snowbird travelling caravan?

Are there any caravans going from Canada and the PNW southward to SoCal?
I am looking for fellow Travellers for company on my way down. Any suggestions appreciated.

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Old 10-26-2020, 12:25 PM   #2
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Since it is closed for non-essential travel, how are you going to get across the border?
Your heirs will inherit money and stuff when you are gone. You can only save or spend money, but you can do things with stuff, so they are going to inherit stuff!
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Old 10-26-2020, 01:16 PM   #3
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I am starting off in Bellingham, WA, but that's a good point that I forgot about .
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Old 10-26-2020, 02:10 PM   #4
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No go...

Yes, the Canada/U.S. border is still closed indefinitely, so don't expect any snowbirds any time this year...
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Old 10-26-2020, 11:26 PM   #5
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I am heading down that way from the Seattle area the first week of November. But I don't know that I would make a good caravan partner as I have no itinerary of stops planned or even how many hours a day I will drive.. I just take each day's travel as it unfurls and find inexpensive places to stay. I might stay for 3 or 4 days at one place before moving on if I like it. I am heading down to So Cal then over towards the Yuma AZ area. It is still too hot at my destination which is why I will dawdle along without a firm agenda.

Most likely I would drive someone nuts if they like to have a schedule and stick to it and know what time they want to start and stop driving and where they want to be on which day.
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Old 10-27-2020, 08:19 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by k corbin View Post
Most likely I would drive someone nuts if they like to have a schedule and stick to it and know what time they want to start and stop driving and where they want to be on which day.
My thoughts also, my second morning coffee might keep me in one place for the whole day
Life's A Journey: It's not to arrive safely at the grave in a well preserved body, But rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, Woo Hoo!....What a Ride!
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Old 10-27-2020, 08:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by TZBrown View Post
My thoughts also, my second morning coffee might keep me in one place for the whole day
I hope to face that conundrum in 3 years, 8 months and 13 days (retirement)! But who's counting.
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Old 10-27-2020, 10:09 AM   #8
Name: Chantal
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Originally Posted by Alex Adams View Post
I hope to face that conundrum in 3 years, 8 months and 13 days (retirement)! But who's counting.
I'm only 364 days away from mine , so hopefully by then the border will be open again and COVID will be eradicated.
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Old 10-27-2020, 11:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by k corbin View Post
I am heading down that way from the Seattle area the first week of November. But I don't know that I would make a good caravan partner as I have no itinerary of stops planned or even how many hours a day I will drive.. I just take each day's travel as it unfurls and find inexpensive places to stay. I might stay for 3 or 4 days at one place before moving on if I like it. I am heading down to So Cal then over towards the Yuma AZ area. It is still too hot at my destination which is why I will dawdle along without a firm agenda.

Most likely I would drive someone nuts if they like to have a schedule and stick to it and know what time they want to start and stop driving and where they want to be on which day.
Hey, K Corbin, thank you for responding. I am more like you, in spirit. My choice is to travel myself or have my husband fly up from San Diego to accompany me. He had gone down there for gallbladder surgery, but feels well now. Now he's telling me he wants to fly up to drive with me. BUT, I think we might learn something from you, as husband is a 'schedule' type person and we really don't have to be back in San Diego by any particular date. He just doesn't like driving and seems to want to get it over with asap. I am not like that. SO, what route will you be taking, considering the fires or possible snow on some routes. We took 395 up to Belingham in July and it was really nice, but there's probably a good chance of snow at Mammoth Lakes. I'd love to chat with you about this. Would you be interested in calling me? I can send you me number, privately. Perhaps we can travel together some year.
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Old 10-27-2020, 04:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Alex Adams View Post
I hope to face that conundrum in 3 years, 8 months and 13 days (retirement)! But who's counting.
And now for the big lie:

It will go by fast! Of course, you will be mentally retired in a couple of years. That is when someone proposes something stupid and you just nod your head or say “great idea,” even though you know it is a horrendous idea. But you no longer care because you won’t be around to deal with the fallout.
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Old 10-28-2020, 09:49 AM   #11
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We already came down. Last week we noticed that Eastern Washington was due for a big snowstorm so we loaded the rig and buggered out. They got 8 inches at the lake the day after we left.
Previously Owned: Trillium 4500, Scamp 19', Bigfoot 17', Boler 17', Bonair Oxygen, Hymer Touring GT, Scamp 13 Deluxe, Casita 16, Casita 17, Scamp 13' with bath.
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Old 10-28-2020, 01:17 PM   #12
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Name: Kelly
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My route will take me from the Seattle region out to the WA coast then south on 101. But in California I don't head out along the coast to Fort Brag or Big Sur, too twisty for me. It is a fine route to take once in a while for the experience but hard on my back and shoulders and very tiring. As I have been there and done that I won't be doing it on this particular trip south.

You can get snow on any route you take if the right kind of storm shows up but the coastal route does not include those steep snowy, mountain passes. But it is a much longer and slower drive than I-5 so if you want to get the trip over and done with then I-5 is the better option. I am not in a hurry and always enjoy going through the redwood forest areas and the wine country too and then out by the coast south of San Francisco before heading back inland.

At this time of year you need to watch out for black ice conditions if you start out early in the day in lower temperatures. It can happen on the coastal route. So keep an eye on the weather reports. The state DOT websites are pretty good for viewing each day when planning that day's drive as they update warnings on road conditions including construction and closures. So do some of the the GPS devices as well as other driving direction apps for phones and tablets.

I understand how partners can be on trips. I used to be married to an agoraphobic, road trips really elevated his anxiety levels. On a December trip down I-5 he was bugging me one morning to get in the car early but I did not listen. Good thing I did not as not too far down the road there were tractor trailers and passenger vehicles all spun out on both sides of the road from black ice. But my late start meant that icing had all melted off the roads. That certainly convinced me not to be an early bird on winter road trips. Just have that second cup of coffee with a late breakfast, it is good for your health.

As to places to stay, my budget is not large so I will be doing some free camping at casinos and also do some State park camping or looking for NFS and BLM and other federal and state types of camping. "Free Roam" is a pretty good app for finding the state and federal sites as you can set filters to match your needs. I am not sure it would bring up the Indian Casinos as I have not yet used it extensively.

Earlier this month I did a 3 night free stay at 7 Cedars Casino in Sequim and there was even free water and electrical hookup. Very nice, the RV parking is way in the back up the hill from the Casino, surrounded on 3 sides by forest. Very clean and well run Casino, really attractive with a lot of beautiful carvings inside and Totem Poles all along the front. It is also on a very long bike trail that runs from Port Townsend out to Port Angeles along the old railroad line. The Hotel at the Casino rents Ebikes.
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Old 10-29-2020, 10:19 AM   #13
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Thanks, K. There are helpful tips here, and I appreciate you taking the time to share them.

We've decided to travel on I-5 the entire way, as boring and congested in spots that it is. This time of year it is a good choice for weather.

Perhaps we can travel together in another year.

Enjoy your trip and stay in the southland.

Stay safe,
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Old 10-31-2020, 12:06 PM   #14
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Texas snow bird

Hey! I was so Blessed to be able to make my 1st trip to Canada & skate on the Rideau Canal ❤️🥰🤠
I’d love to find a group of campers who’d like to caravan TO Canada in the winter...& other seasons! I love Canada & all the folks I met there!
Lived at Canyon Lake, Texas for most of my adult life and met many winter Texans from Canada. I just thought they were the cream of the Canadian crop till last January!
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Old 10-31-2020, 05:08 PM   #15
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Exclamation canada--us border closed

as per Janie-t post I am glad to see someone from Texas heading north for winter . most Canadians head to southern states (snowbirds) . but with corvid the Canada - U S border is closed . with the second wave hear, its looking it may not open up any time soon (maybe late summer 2021 ? ) with my next words I hope I don't upset anyone "STAY HOME STAY SAFE" province to province or state to state .(the best way to stop it limit travel) . it upsets me as I retired in September I was looking forward to in winter in southern states for a few mouths to help take the bite out of winter
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Old 10-31-2020, 05:31 PM   #16
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I won't be staying in my home state all winter because I no longer own or rent a "sticks and bricks" home. My trailer is my home and I need to follow the weather. But I am not going into the hot spots while I travel because most of those have closed down camping. Follow the protocols for hand washing, masking, social distancing. Limit trips to stores, don't go to the popular state and national parks that are packed with people.

Use the lesser known camping options or go to the federal lands where your nearest camping neighbor is barely in site of your camp. If you take along 2 weeks worth of food, water and are conservative with water so that you don't need to dump your tanks often, if you limit how much garbage you generate you limit interactions. When you do greet other campers you are out of doors. So it can be a terrific way to self isolate.
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Old 10-31-2020, 06:06 PM   #17
Name: Cynthia
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Cool Snowbird traveling caravan

Headed to So Padre Island, Texas the end of January when there’s a good weather/roads window. Eventually coming back home to Billings Mt through Phoenix and Death Valley Cal since “they are on the way”. Could even zig over to the coast! Love you folks with no schedule & a loose itinerary! Husband not so much! Meaning love him, he doesn’t love the no structure, haha.
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