Now that the snowbanks are starting to melt around my trailer, I am itching to get back at my reno.
I have the
windows out and am trying to replace the seals. I ordered samples from VT but none of those seem to be an exact match for the old ones. The VTS-2019 fits put the tail is about a mm shorter and much thinner. The VTS-526 is a better thickness but the tail is much shorter and the j is more pronounced.
Has anyone found an exact match? Would the thinness of the 2019 matter to the sealing ability? I assume they would wear out faster.
Also has anyone found the exact window crank. VT has been out of the right side ones for a long time.
I hope that
Ventura owners are still following the forums. Most of us seem to live in Western Canada where spring is still a way off.