So as of now I'm starting to do repairs and updating some things. Now that I'm not living in it full-time.
List of things,
axle sagging, tire size and load rating. Repairs to water damage wood, change of
battery to LiPo maybe
solar added, sealing the wood underneath rear benchs, replacing water lines on 12v system (maybe water tank) replace hot water heater to tank less. Remove rust on frame and re
paint frame. Possibly some other stuff too. Already replaced some of the interior 12v
lights with
LED lights.
Not a original problem, many have had this issue. So other details on this. 2010
Scamp Deluxe 16ft. I had the water heater tank failure years back. So damage was done to the wood. The blow out happened when I was at work, I worked 12.75 hour shifts with hour drive to and from work..... so a lot of water by time of finding out. Now this damage was actually caused by the water fill line splitting and I didn't find out about it. If you have something it's going to need repairs.
Note to actual experience or experts I'm not, so I'll be making mistakes.

and stupid ideas.