Another quick question. I have the old one piece
propane cover on my 1990 BF, meaning that in order to get at the
propane valves, I have to remove the entire cover. I have seen in a couple of posts (and of course was looking for something else at the time, therefore didn't bookmark them!) some mods that folks have made.
I saw one in particular that was the addition of what looked like 2 threaded caps directly over the valves on the tanks.
If this was you

or if you have some similar mods for your one piece BF propane/battery shroud, I would love to hear about it. I generally do overnight stays, (my RV needs are mainly a rolling motel room for me and the dogs) so it would be nice not to have to wrangle that shroud every time I set up or tear down.
Thanks all.
Edit - Never mind. Found the thread I was looking for!!!