The white interior of the
Burro is wonderful and bright, easy to clean, and to my personal preference over carpet, ensolite or "Rat Fur". (Nothing wrong with any of those, I just don't like all dark walls in a small space)
BUT.. there is such a thing as TOO much. Someone here said the
Burro was like living inside a
Add the fact that
Burro put WHITE cupboards in mine.. and you need sunglasses to walk in.
At first, I did some thin strips of bamboo along the upper and lower edges of each cupbaord, just to break it up a bit.. all along planning new wood cupbaords in the future.
I am not skilled in woodwork, and all of the quotes I got for even this simple cabinetry were out of my budget. I have resurfaced countertops, so I decided to do veneer instead.. that I could handle.. now.. just try to find Veneer.. it's near impossible and VERY expensive.
So... I did this instead:
It's nothing fancy, just cedar closet liner..straight cut, glued and nailed to the cabinet face, with a square pine trim. It most certainly is not perfectly done, but looks pretty good.. is whimsical and very "country" like.
It does the job well.. and the rig smells nice too!
I have not done ALL of the cupboards yet, I pick at it as I have time, but the back "Living room" is done. Kitchen is next.
I will line all the cubby floors with the left overs.