Posted by Thomas Haney, Member
Being new on this or any forum, I thought I'd post my pictures.
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This 76
scamp was hardly worth the $300 I spent on it originally...
Rotten floors, leaky
windows,rivets and roof vent. Roof sagged in center and puddled and leaked. No trailer
lights, rotten cushion foam and mice living in them....
Door falling off with many holes from attempted remounts. There was mold and mildew on every interior surface. The seller was kind enough to empty a can of lysol in it just before I arrived. what wood cabinet doors and table tops were left were swollen with moisture.
But I allways wanted an egg.
First thing I did was take out everything... all rivets all cabinets, and replace the wooden floor. I cut drain holes into the floor and spent days scrubbing with tilex, ajax, and simple green. THen put drain plugs into the floor drains,
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linoleumed the floor and installed all
lights. I found surface mounted
tail lights for which I cut holes and they don't protrude at all. See picture. I added electric input to charger/inverter and
battery. Rebuilt door: removed interior skin that was sloughing off, remounted and sealed door window, epoxeyed old hinge mount holes and remounted door solidly. Pain.
Did find nice marine epoxey paste called PC-11. Highly recommended.
Cut all new cabinet doors and table from Birch plywood and put many coats of finish. New cabinet hinges and re-riveted everything back in. Used PC-11 in every rivet hole to assure of permanent seal.
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Bent conduit roof rack to use to lift sag in roof and add mounting place for
awning and rooftop storage. At rear I mounted a SUV type cargo rack that flips up for close storage. Mounted outdoor box that locks all my grilling/stove items outside
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Then I determined how I'd like to
paint the egg. Didn't remind me of any insects or animals so I went with the cottage theme. Sharpie outlines filled with acryllic color
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Found great deal on 15 gal water tank with pressure activated pump for $89 new. Connected it to demand water heater, installed double basin sink and faucett into butcher block galley top.
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INstalled stereo, tongue dolly mounts,
propane and much more.
Learned a lot, and had lots of fun making mods.
Everyone should know about the water tank. Fits perfectly under bench and is very inexpensive from Harbor Freight Tools.... Shoulda took a pic...It pumps nicely through demand water heater and even exits to a tap outside for an outside showerhead.....
Wait till it's done. Hope I spend as much time camping in it as I have fixin' it.