06-19-2011, 12:17 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1988 16 ft Scamp Deluxe
Posts: 25,814
Carol, the gravel guard and hardware were all put on about five years ago. Prior to that time, there wasn't any. As I mentioned, I hit it with a spray (shoe) wax once in a while and I think that keeps it from rusting. If I was going to do it again, I'd bite the bullet and buy stainless fasteners. Wish I would have done that to begin with!
I just drilled the holes and used rivets (on the body) and obviously the rat fur was already on. I have drilled out rivets and replaced (outside stove vet) and there wasn't any problems... I was careful. When drill out the rivets, they'll either totally come out, or fall between the shell and the insulation.
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
Double Yolk - 1988 16' Scamp Deluxe
06-19-2011, 12:51 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Thanks Donna. Where would one find the stainless fasterners? I cant seem to find any on the Scamp website.
Sounds like if I use a short rivit it will be fine. I am pretty comfortable with drilling them out and replacing them. Just wondered how one avoids the rat fur getting attached to it as the other items I have replaced where not in such a visable area and the rat fur had actually been cut away from the area so there was no chance of the rivit attaching to anything but the fiberglass.
06-19-2011, 01:02 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1988 16 ft Scamp Deluxe
Posts: 25,814
Carol, here's some ... I think these are actually cheaper than Scamp and it's stainless! Stainless Steel Draw Latch
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
Double Yolk - 1988 16' Scamp Deluxe
06-19-2011, 01:11 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Thanks Donna.
06-19-2011, 02:05 PM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Double thanks Donna
P.S. Adding a rear bumper box 32x14x14" for hoses, power cords and blocks. Supporting it with a 5x5 plastic fence pole that will screw to bumper. The fence post is hollow and will hold a spare sewer hose. (It seems extra sewer hose is often needed as is a support for the box.) Pictures Monday or Tuesday.
The tire will remained attached to the standard tire mounts. The top cover of the plastic box is cutout for the tire, leaving the bottom 40% of the tire in the box.
06-20-2011, 09:25 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Rear Bumper Storage
We decided that we needed a Rear Bumper Storage compartment for 2 water hoses, an Extension Cord and a few wooden leveling blocks. Note that nothing in the box is heavy.
We had a black 32x14x14" storage chest we formerly used for bumper storage on another trailer. We have painted it white and mounted it to the rear bumper. We decided not to move the tire and mounted the box around the tire, cutting a hole for the tire in the top lid.
The box sits on the bumper and a 5x5" plastic fence post liner. We choose 5x5 over 4x4 so we would have plenty of room for our sewer hose extension. Holes have been drilled in the bottom of the bumper box and the post liner to let them drain.
I still have 3 right angle brackets to mount that will attach to the front side of the post liner and the bottom of the box.
We also need a new Scamp tire cover. Ours is 20 years old and does not fit well over today's larger tires.
06-20-2011, 09:52 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1988 Perris Pacer ('Bean') / 2004 Element
Posts: 1,109
That is absolutely perfect! Not only is it functional---but I love the way it looks!
WELL DONE (again!!!!!!!!!)
06-20-2011, 11:39 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1976 Scamp 13 ft
Posts: 546
That looks like it might be a stock piece, nice job on blending it in. Does it have a latch to keep the back on? It looks like you unlatch the front to take it off, but I was not sure what was going on in the back.
Dan H
06-20-2011, 12:50 PM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Good pickup Dan. I'm looking for two latches like the front latches. I looked at the box stores but did not find any.
There are a few other little things to deal with like keeping the end caps on I'll probably use a couple of Bungees, one under neath and one on the back side.
I have to admit it came out better than I would have expected.
Everything seems to fit inside with some extra room. We're thinking of adding front jacks and the jack handle could go in here along with our various power adapters.
Generally we carry all our tools, small air compressor, bottle jack, battery jumper, a hiling back pack and two chairs in the car so they're always with us when we're off exploring.
06-21-2011, 06:47 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Little Things
It looks like we're done making modifications until after we return from PEI Fiberglass Rally.
We added two 20 quart plastic containers for clothes storage in the center compartment under the couch. This still leaves storage room for some rarely used tools at the back of this compartment.
We now have plenty of clothes storage. We have 4 of these plastic containers, 2 more in the side dinette, a large plastic lined drawer at the doorside of the couch, 2 small compartments for jeans in the rear overhead, a small hanging closet and 4 deep shelves in the over the couch cabinet.
The table is completed. Note the two brass hinges that allow the top of the table to fold out to form the base of the bed. A number of people have asked if the table can fold out to sit for four for dinner. I hadn't considered that but it's certainly possible. How???
Ginny does not like the trailer's rocking motion so I had planned to add front jacks. I installed the one shown on the door side. When I went to the driver's side I found the frame is not symetrical. Fortunately the addition of the one jack stabilized the trailer significantly.
I also added a mounting point on the frame for the anti sway bar (no picture).
06-22-2011, 07:53 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 17 ft Casita Liberty Deluxe and 2001 13 ft Casita Patriot Deluxe
Posts: 140
On our 2001 13' Casita Patriot Deluxe,
I moved the fresh water tank from inside to under the trailer, thus freeing up space in the trailer and gaining a 25 gallon capacity. The tank nestles in the step up of the floor behind the axel. It fills and is vented by the stock fill port. Its no lower then the gray water tank ahead of the axle. I added a compartment door for access from outside. It also has a factory access from inside.
Note: The tank measures 8" x 16" x 48" for a 25 gallon capacity, other lengths are available.
Tank should have good ground clearance with stock axle.
I replaced my axle because it had a bent spindle and to get the trailer to sit level when towing
with my SSR because its hitch is a euro style non adjustable type.
On the drivers side I removed the power cord door and replaced it with a compartment door for access to a compartment created under the kitchen by adding a shelf.
I use this area for hoses, water filter and other "hook up" stuff.
I added a port for the power cord to slid in and out from behind the wheel opening.
06-22-2011, 08:04 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Glen, We'e thought about changing the water tank out to a larger one, going to a 22 gallon tank. We had not considered moving it under the trailer, probably a good idea if you're mostly a non-winter camper. We travel during the winter and have ended up in freezing weather a number of times, generally not by choice. If we moved it under neath we would have to cover it in foam (to protect it from weather and dirt road stones) . We normally put a thin layer of foam at least on the leading edge of the grey tank for our long dirt road trips. When we return from one of these trips the foam is usually peppered by stone hits.
Interesting new solution to a lot of freed space.
06-22-2011, 08:15 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Trailer Weight
I've been asked how our mods have effected trailer weight. Before leaving FL I weighed our Scamp 16. The total weight was 1981 pounds and the tongue weight was 220 pounds of that total. We do not have a microwave or air conditioner which would probably add 100 pounds.
Though I haven't weighed the trailer yet I did weigh the tongue after all our mods. The tongue weight has dropped from 220 pounds to 195 pounds. These weights include a 1/3rd full water tank and a full propane tank.
This shift is probably the result of the rear overhead cabinet and the bumper storage box. Though the trailer is not fully loaded, it's probably within 200 pounds of loaded. I am sure we will be well under 2500 #s when done, probably closer to 2300 #s.
06-22-2011, 03:46 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Norm please post the weight when you get it. Mine comes in at about 2500lbs including tongue weight of between 220-240 when loaded (without water) and I liked to think I dont have much stuff. I see all those new storage spots on yours and have to think its got to be more or I need to go back to weight watchers. LOL
06-22-2011, 04:54 PM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Our goal was 2500 pounds. If we're at 2500 or less I won't feel bad at all. 2500 pounds will be about 300 pounds less than the Casita and more importantly the Scamp is 3-4 inches taller.
I would be surprised if all the wood we added increased the weight by 100 pounds. Also we do not have a microwave or air conditioner.
I hope to weigh it Thursday or Friday.
As to Weight Watchers, I've lost 60 pounds over 10 years of RVing. I do even better if we didn't come home for the summer. Living at the beach in NH means we get a lot of company and cook too much for them, though we both love to cook and love our visitors. Long term RVing has been great for our health, physical and mental.
06-22-2011, 07:18 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1991 17 ft Horizon
Posts: 764
Great job on that rear bumper, I was wondering what you were going to do on it. Nice job all around, and I would be interested in what your final weight will be.
06-23-2011, 07:26 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
Trailer Weight
After modification the trailer weighs 2138 pounds and that includes the 195 pound hitch weight. The Scamp 16 is not fully loaded but there are presently a lot of tools in the trailer used for the modifications that we would not normally carry.
The main items missing are Ginny's clothes and some additional food and water. We would normally carry another 75 pounds of water. I expect when fully loaded we'll be around 2350 pounds and certainly not more than 2500 pounds.
The Scamp's weight is about 60% of the weight of our loaded tow vehicle's 3900 pounds.
Though we have created a lot of storage space, they are not stuffed areas. As well, generally we go for lighter versions of things, like plastic glasses (because they don't break) and plastic dishes.
06-23-2011, 09:27 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
 Ok so that does it my trailer is going on another weight watchers crash diet! Went on one earlier this year and shed a number of unnessary pounds that had accumlated over a number of lazy summer days but clearly it can lose more! :-)
Norm before I get to hard on my trailer, when you say loaded does that include the camping necessities such as hoses, power cords and leveling blocks, tool kit, outside chairs, ground mats, BQ and tables etc or do you carry those in the tow vehicle? I ask as I wonder (hoping) if thats perhaps the difference between our two trailer weights as I dont normally carry any camping/trailer related gear in the tow vehicle. Its either that our I have to rethink my own clothing necessities, from above It looks like prehaps your wife doesnt let you carry any?
06-23-2011, 10:15 AM
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Name: jim
Trailer: 2022 Escape19 pulled by 2014 Dodge Ram Hemi Sport
Posts: 6,710
I'd be curious to know the weights for the trailer fully packed, ready to tow and the car, with gas and ready to leave. The Honda specs indicate a weight around 3200 lbs for the 4x4 model with GCWR of 4300 with allowance for 1000 lbs of cargo (passengers, fuel ect.)
See here Specifications - 2004 Honda CR-V LX 4WD 5-spd MT - Yahoo! Autos
06-23-2011, 10:27 AM
Senior Member
Name: Norm and Ginny
Trailer: Scamp 16
Posts: 7,517
You have to begin by recognizing that we travel for at least 7 months at a clip. With possibly a 2-4 month trip thrown in some years. As a result we don't take a lot of things weekenders take. There is just the two of us, no kids and no pets.
We travel lite. We carried a ground mat for many years and rarely used it. We do not carry tables other than the table that comes with the Honda; it's pretty good and proabably 4'x4'. We sometimes carry a grill but not always. We plan to this year. It is small and light.
We carry 2 chairs; they are aluminum and light. We carry them in the car because during the day we're out an about and may want them.
We mostly carry things in the car we use when out in the car. We each have a sweatshirt and a waterproof wind breaker, two aluminum chairs, a hiking back pack, 2 walking sticks, a small compressor, a bottle jack, a battery jump starter, a small basic set of tools, and a case of bottled water.
Power cords, hoses, leveling blocks, extra sewer hose are carried in the rear bumper box.
Our glasses are plastic because we've had others break on rough roads. We have plastic dishes, actually lunch size. About the only glass we carry is two coffee cups. We carry only two pots and two frying pans, light ones at that. This year we added a small crock pot. We have a 4 cup coffee pot and a 2 slice toaster. We carry one big knife and couple of paring knifes. For silverware, we carry the minimum required to serve 4.
Four clothing I carry 2 pairs of jeans (for cold weather), 5 pairs of shorts, a bathing suit, a pair of dress pants, 3 button shirts, 5 Tshirts, 3 jerseys, 3 sweaters, a bunch of socks and underwear. I carry a pair of sneakers and a pair of Keens for shoes.
Of course we live by the rule that if we don't use it in a year we don't carry it the next. As well if we buy something we need to remove something, not always but generally.
You will be surprised when you go thru our rig how much emptiness we have in each compartment.
Hope this helps
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