Mr. Frog goes into a branch bank and asks for a quick loan. "I need 3 grand immediately to buy an engagement ring"
The clerk smiles and says "I'm Patricia Wack, I'd be happy to assist you. What is your name, sir, and what do you have for collateral?"
"My name is Kermit Jagger , my dad is Mick and he knows the manager here, so it's okay. I need 3 grand now please."
The clerk says " Nice to meet you, sir, but what do you have for collateral?"
Mr Frog pulls out a tiny, pink crystal elephant with exquisite detail and beauty. He shows it to the clerk and instructs her to take it to the back and show her boss.
Ms. Wack takes it to the back room and tells her boss that a Mr. Frog wants to borrow $3,000 immediately and all he has for collateral is this little thingy... "What is it anyway?"
Her boss answers " It's a knick-knack, Patty Wack, give the frog a loan. His old man is a Rolling Stone."