Hi, Y'all...
Just thought SOMEONE might like to know that most of a thread that was closed yesterday is now appearing in somewhat condensed form on another site, and with the following screamer headline:
Towing Accidents...Fiberglass R.V. Featured...why has NHTSA and the NTSB Donald Karol IGNORED OUR CAUSE?
We know why....NHTSA and NTSB wants us to PAY FOR SAFETY AND JOIN THE GSA IN ARIZONA AND SIP WINE IN THE HOT TUB.....We do not want to play the Washington D.C. Game like others in the world of non-profits safety.
Immediately below that screamer is right-down-to-the-avatars duplication of certain portions of the thread. And it's
copyrighted by the poacher, too...
Gotta hand it to him for his nerve!
Anyway, here's the link for the thread that was lifted:
And here's the link to where ELSE it can now be found ... "under new ownership"
Towing Accidents
If the two sites are somehow connected and all of this is just business-as-usual...never mind!