Originally Posted by Tim D.
Thanks for the reply, Carol. Can you explain the connection between that popup and revenue for the site? The popup verbage sounds like a service to users rather than a revenue generating effort.
We use the popup to encourage folks to join and to get them to subscribe to the newsletter. Lots of folks read the new digest daily. We WANT them to participate because the true value of a form like this is the content that it contains - more people posting = a better forum.
We actually show fewer ads to those who are logged in. We use cookies to "remember" the viewing options you have selected with your account including to NOT see the popup. We also use cookies to keep you logged in at page changes.
We don't share or sell our member list ever - but we do survive on ad revenue and so displaying ads is a necessity. We do this instead of having a "pay to view" model or "membership required" model. I understand privacy concerns however and as a viewer you are free to make your own choices.
On most browsers and devices you can control cookie handling on a site by site basis; allowing cookie exchange with a specific site but not changing your global cookie handling scheme.
If you are logged in using a full browser you can change your settings regarding popups, e-mail and other notifications here:
http://www.fiberglassrv.com/forums/p...do=editoptions BUT again, these changes are associated with your account and you must be logged in for them to work.