Fiberglass RV Forum Administrators,
In the interest of saving time, I am posting this instead of PMing each of you individually. As a long-time member of this community, I have been so impressed with how well you have organized and maintained this forum so you are the first people I thought of when facing the task of creating a forum from scratch for a community being hard-hit by COVID-19. I am normally a business writer, but am trying to set up a community forum in WordPress to help facilitate communication between public agencies, community members and non-profits in one of the communities currently hit by the pandemic. This is not a profit-making endeavor. I have built websites and created content in WordPress, but have never built an online forum. I thought I would ask if you have any particular logistical, technical and other suggestions or tips, as I will have to moderate the forum by myself at first (expecting no more than 500-1,000 members) and have to try to keep out commercial posters and anyone engaged in self-promotion or other activities that are not aligned with the purpose of sharing COVID-19-related community information, support and resources. I am in the midst of juggling several tasks so might not respond immediately to your posts or PMs, but would gratefully welcome any tips you have on planning, organizing and building a solid framework with reasonably secure "gates." I was going to start with an organizational "map" to clearly define the different service categories - i.e., Health & Safety, etc. Thank you in advance for any and all input.