Originally Posted by Carol H
Thanks Vivian I was looking at that as an option as well. I do have couple of weeks between Bandon and having to return to Vancouver so I hope to take my time and see more than just the highway.
I would suggest a few days at Newberry Crater National Monument, a day at LaPine State Campground to visit the High Desert Museum. It's not a long drive to the Grand Tetons from there, then on to Yellowstone for a few days. Come back across Montana into northern Idaho, then on to North Cascades National Park before heading back across the boarder.
That's about what I would do. In fact we're planning a bit of the reverse in late July early August, 2 to 3 weeks maybe. We probably won't go as far as Yellowstone but North Cascades then probably down to Newberry with a stop along the Columbia at LaPage.