Carole and I enjoy visiting Florida's first magnitude springs (there are dozens, and we'll be visiting new ones for at least two more
years). I've got links to photo albums and a brief trip report.
Warning: Video on the trip report has some blue language when I was facing off with an aggressive raccoon. If you're at work, you may want to turn the sound down low.
Blue Springs State Park is very nice. We can recommend it. However, the campsites are rather small, which is okay for our kinds of travel trailers. But tight fits. We couldn't put up our screen house. On the downside, there are LOTS of biting insects here. More than elsewhere we've camped in Florida this time of year. Mosquitoes were absolutely horrid at night, which kept us inside, even with the cool temperatures. Also, if you don't like scorpions, stay away. This park had LOTS of scorpions, too. And we had fits with one aggressive raccoon, which is detailed in my blog.
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