Originally Posted by cpaharley2008
Looking to camp more in COE areas and less in KOA and state parks. Trying together information of your favorite COE cg and why. In Pennsylvania, the best known is Raystown Lake COE with lake front campsites.
I guess I'm outta the loop on this one.
Acronym Definition
COE Center Of Excellence
COE Corps Of Engineers (US Army)
COE Church of England
COE Common Operating Environment
COE Call of the Earth (United Nations University)
COE Cup of Excellence (Missoula, MT)
COE Council Of Europe
COE College of Engineering
COE College of Education
COE Center of Excellence (various locations)
COE County Office of Education
COE Computer Engineering
COE Cab Over Engine (truck design)
COE Coefficient of Expansion (glass and lampwork)
COE Comite Olimpico Español (Spanish: Spanish Olympic Committee)
COE Certificate of Education (various locations)
COE Code of Ethics
COE Conditions of Employment (various organizations)
COE Care of the Elderly (various locations)
COE Council on the Environment (various locations)
COE Concept Of Employment
COE Categories of Employment (International Monetary Fund)
COE Center Of Expertise
COE Conditional Offer of Employment
COE Commission on Education
COE Community of Excellence
COE Care of Equipment (for ACG duties)
COE Certificate of Eligibility (US DoD)
COE Category of Employees
COE Conseil d'Orientation pour l'Emploi (French: Policy Board for Employment)
COE Chamber Orchestra of Europe
COE Confirmation of Employment (Isle of Man)
COE Chief Of Engineers
COE Conseil Oecuménique des Églises (French: World Council of Churches)
COE Commission on Economic Opportunity
COE Certificate of Entitlement (Singapore)
COE Council on Occupational Education
COE Compulsive Overeating
COE Commission on Ethics (Florida)
COE Contemporary Operating Environment
COE Central Office Equipment (telecommunications)
COE Community of Evaluators
COE Council on Education
COE City of Edmonton (Canada)
COE Close of Escrow
COE Chief Operating Executive
COE Church of Euthanasia
COE Contemporary Operational Environment
COE Council for Opportunity in Education
COE Category of Eligibility (Medicaid; various locations)
COE Contacts over Ethernet
COE Can over Ethernet
COE Console over Ethernet
COE Confirmation of Enrollment (universities)
COE Centre d'Observation Économique (French: Center for Economic Observation)
COE Cost of Electricity
COE Chronic Otitis Externa
COE Koreguaje (SIL code, Colombia)
COE Course of Events
COE Centre for Optoelectronics
COE Computer-Optimized Equalization
COE Connection Oriented Ethernet
COE Cost of Energy
COE Council of Elders
COE Carded Open End (cotton)
COE Cornell Outdoor Education
COE Children of Eden (Stephen Schwartz musical)
COE College of Europe (Belgium and Poland)
COE Cost of Operation
COE Checkout and Evaluation
COE Cost of Equity
COE Course of Empire (band)
COE Center for Open Education
COE Central Office Environment (Cisco)
COE Clinician Order Entry (medical record)
COE Common Office Environment
COE Contingent Owned Equipment
COE City of Escondido (California)
COE Consistent Office Environment (US government)
COE Cash Operating Expense
COE Centre for Operations Excellence (Sauder School of Business, Canada)
COE Catalog Order Entry (customer purchase method)
COE Correction of Error
COE Crude Oil Equivalent
COE Certificate Of Entitlement Review (COE-Review.com)
COE Collège Ostéopathique Européen
COE Customer Owned Equipment
COE CATIA Operator's Exchange
COE Consistent Office Environment (EDS/GM)
COE Computer Order Entry (pharmacy; various companies)
COE Cooperative Office Experience
COE Certified Ophthalmic Executive
COE Comunicación Oral y Escrita (Oral and Written Communication)
COE Commission on Ecology
COE Creative Online Enterprises, Inc.
COE Cut Out Early
COE Concept of Execution
COE Colorado Education Online
COE Certification/Certificate of Equivalency
COE Control Office Equipment (telecommunications)
COE Contract Operations Executive
COE Confirmation of Exit (notification)
COE Cash over Everything