Vintage fiberglass travel trailer
We went over and looked at this and, at the $2900 asking price, save your time and money.
It hasn't been registered in 20 years, but the seller sez she is updating that as we spoke and will include current
registration and
title. The interior is very rough, all of the woodwork looks water damaged or chewed on, the pop-up fabric is brittle, the inside coatings are peeling from 20 years of sitting in the sun, the
tires are 20 years old and there is heavy rust on the frame. On the plus side, the seat cushions are intact and the stove looks decent. The seller is selling for her grandfather and knows nothing about it except that it is very old, has CA "Black" plates, is "Rare and worth a lot of money".
Considering it's condition and the total restoration needed, $500 max.
BTW: Yucaipa (say Yew-ki-pa) is just east of San Bernardino, CA on the I-10,