That seems a bit high. Don't forget that as the principal balance declines during the loan's life, so does the interest. The interest on $30K at 6.5% on a 60 month loan is about $5200. But still, we certainly see your point.
I rechecked, and can't figure out how I got those numbers. And me a math teacher.
After freight, taxes and fees, a base V6 AWD Venza, no towing package is $36,950 Canadian. At 5.9%, 60 monthly payments of $712.60 = $42,760.
A V6 4WD Mazda Tribute, GS trim which includes a towing package is $35,110. At 0%, 60 monthly payments of $586 = $35,110.
The difference, then is $7,800 after five years. Plus many more hundreds for the towing gear on the Venza. If it is priced like the RAV 4, it is over $1000, which is about $1200 after financing. So the real difference is (only) $9,000.
Around here, Toyota dealers will NOT budge on price or terms. They have a limited number of Venzas, and expect to run out of stock before more they receive their next delivery. Or so they say.