factory towing package vs. 3rd party equipment? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 01-08-2014, 06:00 PM   #1
Name: Elly
Trailer: (Former) Casita 17 SD
Posts: 91
factory towing package vs. 3rd party equipment?

I am getting ready to hit the road with a Casita and a Chrysler Town & Country van. I am in the process of buying the van. Can anyone tell me if there is an advantage to buying the vehicle with the optional, factory-installed towing package vs. buying the vehicle without the equipment and fitting it with needed equipment through a third party specialty shop or good mechanic?
The factory towing package seems to add just under $1000 on a T&C sticker price.
Advice much appreciated.
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:34 PM   #2
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Every vehicle seems to have different levels of equipment or options when it comes to trailer pkgs. You would need to find out from the dealer what is included in the trailer pkg being offered. Then we could best answer your question.
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Old 01-08-2014, 08:38 PM   #3
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Factory towing packages are usually not just a hitch. They often include upgraded and larger cooling systems, transmission cooler, larger alternator, different gear ratios, trailer wiring, some even an integrated brake controller.
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:27 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MC1 View Post
You would need to find out from the dealer what is included in the trailer pkg being offered.
Originally Posted by Ian G. View Post
Factory towing packages are usually not just a hitch.
Unfortunately, when I bought my Honda Odyssey in 2003, the salesman at the dealership claimed that the "Towing Package" included just a hitch receiver and a 4-pin flat wiring harness for $800 which I declined. I had to buy the car to read the owner's manual to find out that Honda considered that a transmission cooler and a power steering cooler were also required to keep the warrantee valid. I wound up having the dealer's service department install the coolers for $800. Then I purchased the receiver and standard 4-pin wiring harness parts from Camping World for $250 and installed them myself. (They just bolt on and plug in) The Brake controller, 7-pin electric receptacle, and battery charge line I had installed by Camping world IIRC for about $300, bringing the total to $1350 to make the minivan ready to tow my Fiber Stream trailer.
Frederick - The Scaleman
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:40 PM   #5
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Name: Jack L
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To add to the information that others have provided I'll share some personal experiences. First, you may have to add additional equipment with "factory" packages. Second, you refer to third party, specialty shops and these can run anywhere from wonderful to lousy. I've seen some really butchered wiring Jobs but I've also seen some fabulous welding jobs. If you know of a shop in your area that you trust it would be a big plus.

If you get the package, what is the rating of the hitch and what is the towing capacity. In addition to what has been previously suggested are heavier springs included? Is a 7 wire harness included ?

I bought a Toyota Tacoma with the tow package and it included a very nice hitch receiver, Trans cooler, 7 wire harness etc. and was rated for a trailer twice as heavy as mine but I still had to add "air bag suspension" All in all, in my case the factory package was a good value but still not enough to suit my needs. If you can find someone with a similar vehicle they could be a big help. For that matter, if you can find a car salesman at the dealership that REALLY knows his product, and good luck with that, it would helpyou make the decision.
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Old 01-09-2014, 12:53 AM   #6
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Does the "Trailer Sway Control" feature shown on their web site only come if you get the towing package? That might make it worth it just for that.

In the old days, one could easily patch in whatever parts one wanted to add in order to beef up a vehicle to get it ready to tow. Slap on a hitch, plumb in a tranny cooler, wire up the trailer plug, maybe set up a brake controller. But new vehicles are getting pretty complex...I'm becoming a fan of "factory installed" as I recognize that they are actually engineering the whole package, including some of the computerized controls, when they set up the vehicle to tow. And getting a tranny cooler installed...without voiding the warranty...and wiring in a trailer plug when some of the lights now have LED's (current differential)... I vote for getting the tow package from the factory.

I paid for the tow package on my Nissan Frontier. Possibly the easiest vehicle to do after market add ons, and I still got the factory tow kit. Maybe I'm just getting lazy...

Edit: I just looked at their web site. Looks like they all get the stability control, ie the anti sway. And they list a class 2 hitch, wiring harness and "load leveling height control" as part of their tow package. In addition, the 3600 lb rating is "if properly equipped"... They do say that the "load leveling" feature is unavailable with some configurations. I think I'd want that.
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Old 01-09-2014, 05:44 AM   #7
Name: Elly
Trailer: (Former) Casita 17 SD
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Thank you all. Leonard, I agree the factory package may be the way to go and voiding a warranty without it is a concern. I'll talk with a trusted mechanic and the dealer too. If anyone out there has the Town & Country, I'd love to hear your opinion. The Chrysler van is a bit above a "mini" IMHO. Has some weight, a good wheel base and is comfortable to drive. And the real selling point for me are the fully storable seats. The cargo space can't be matched in this class of vehicle.
Thanks again to all.

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Old 01-09-2014, 05:56 AM   #8
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Thnxs for the update Eileen....

Here is a very good towing article on the Town and Country which may give you some insight on it's capabilities when set up correctly.

RV Lifestyle - Hitch Hints
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Old 01-09-2014, 06:19 AM   #9
Name: Elly
Trailer: (Former) Casita 17 SD
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Thanks MC1.
Read the article and it is good information.
Can't believe people are towing 28' Airstreams with T&Cs.
Makes my plan seem very doable w a Casita. Now I'm even more anxious to get this plan in action.
Appreciate you advice and link!
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Old 01-09-2014, 06:32 AM   #10
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Yes. Generally speaking Mini Vans have progressed into a very substantial TV over the last few decades.
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Old 01-09-2014, 08:40 AM   #11
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A while back I was looking at Toyotas, both SUV and pickup. It was common to see "tow prep package" on the sticker and no hitch. Turns out the tow prep package was the transmission cooler and a larger alternator. Typically about $300. The hitch and light wiring harness were extra. On some vehicles that was a 7 pin set up but on others it was only 4 pin. With those you were on your own as far as wiring the brake controller and charge line. Because it involved cutting into the wiring harness to get the brake signal, the dealer would not do it. I suggest you find out what the tow package includes to avoid surprises later. Good luck, Raz
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Old 01-09-2014, 09:24 AM   #12
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Many of the better tow packages (IMHO) contain a larger radiator ,transmission cooler ,power steering cooler .engine oil cooler , a Class !V or V receiver hitch , both 4 and 7 pin wiring connections , towing mirrors , larger alternator ,built in trailer brake controller or a plug and play harness , trailer battery charger feed from vehicle . ETC . I agree with Raz look before you buy , after market alterations to a vehicle are not always cheaper or as effective
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Old 01-09-2014, 09:52 AM   #13
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One towing package isn't anothers. My Astro van came with a towing package that included a hitch, wiring, 3.73 gears, rear differential locker, 4 core radiator and trans cooler. WAY cheaper to have the factory package than to try to add these things myself later. If you plan to tow, I'd spend the money on the factory package. Waranty issues may come up if you have a repair they believe was caused by towing. If you have the factory towing package there would just be fewer parties to point fingers at.

Bottom line, I'd get the factory towing package! Add to that later if you need to.
2002 Casita 17' Bunk Model Delux (replaced 28' 5th wheel)
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2005 AWD Astro Van/camper (my solo camper)
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Old 01-09-2014, 10:01 AM   #14
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Some good points.

Our 93 Nissan Van was a GXE that came with a factory Tow pkg. 4 core rad, 70 series michelin tires, alloy wheels, 4 pin trailer wiring, extra leaf spring, larger alternator.

Our 03 Infiniti G35 sedan has no trailer pkg available.

In both vehicles Can AM had to install a tranny cooler, 7 pin connector, class 4 receiver, and a brake controller.

Both vehicles successfully towed our 23' for many years.
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Old 01-09-2014, 10:11 AM   #15
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2008 t&c

I have a 2008 (bought in 2010) T&C and tow a 13' Scamp I bought in 2012. Not had a problem towing, trailer follows RIGHT along behind me. Came back with it from NW Montana, down through Salt Lake City, through the mountains (THAT was memorable!) to Denver and on to ST Louis. The van tows like a champ.

However, I do NOT have the tow package on mine and if I WERE going to buy a new T&C with towing in mind, I'd get the package. You're already going to be paying a good 35K, what's 1K more? Besides which, Chrysler isn't known for their GOOD transmissions, so stack the deck your way as much as possible.

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Old 01-09-2014, 02:42 PM   #16
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Our Ranger, which we bought used, came with a tow package that included a transmission intercooler. When we had our transmission overhauled after burning the transmission oil while going down a steep, windy grade between Natural Bridges in Utah and Monument Valley in New Mexico in first gear, I added a second intercooler.

The moral of the story is either: A) A tow package is more than just wiring and a hitch, B ) The factory intercooler may not be enough when you're towing very close to your TV's rated max, C) Regardless of it being shorter and eye-poppingly scenic, the shorter route might not be your best choice when it comes with a warning about dropping 1100 feet down a windy gravel road (the Moki Dugway), D) All of the above.

(Images from Utah 261, The Moki Dugway - September 26, 2003 because I was too busy hanging on to the steering wheel and swearing at myself to take pictures.)
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Old 01-09-2014, 03:40 PM   #17
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Great pictures, Peter. Thanks for sharing. Raz
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Old 01-09-2014, 08:43 PM   #18
Name: RogerDat
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An itemized list of what is in the towing package from the dealer would be nice to have. I can't imagine a reputable dealership not being able to list every item in a package. Personally given a choice between installed by a good dealer with it all under warranty and same or similar after market at anything near the same price I would go with dealer.

Some PU trucks include the wiring to the hitch for the brake controller plus a standard plug under the dash to plug the controller into. Aside from all the other things a stock wiring harness designed end to end for 7 pin hitch plug is a good thing.
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Old 01-10-2014, 07:54 PM   #19
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From the chrysler web page:
Class II Receiver Hitch
Load Leveling & Height Control
Trailer Tow Wiring Harness

This option features:
Feature: Rear auto-leveling suspension
The rear suspension adjusts automatically to maintain a preset vehicle level, regardless of luggage weight or passenger load.

Benefit: Rear auto-leveling suspension helps maintain a consistent ride quality even when a vehicle is carrying a full load.
Feature: Compressed air rear shocks
SPECIFICATIONSMinimum Running Ground Clearance(curb load)5.6 (142.2)
Fuel Tank Capacity, gal. (L)20 (76)
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR),lbs. (kg)6,050 (2,744.2)
Towing Capacity, lbs. (kg)3,600 (1632.9)—with Trailer-tow Prep Package
U.S. Curb Weight, lbs. (kg) 4,652 (2115)

Automatic transaxle

Doesn't mention tranny or steering cooler, My Lumina did get those with the factory pkge, you might have to delve deeper into the website to get that info
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Old 01-10-2014, 08:33 PM   #20
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Name: Mon
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*Supposedly* Chrysler now has coolers on ALL their transmissions. And *supposedly* it is the same transmission used in the tow package.

One thing important about the factory installed wiring harness and connection...it is installed at the factory. This is very important because there is so much plastic that it is difficult to find a GOOD place to put that 7 pin connection.

On my T&C the choice was 1. cut out 6 - 12 inches of the bumper to install to the frame, or 2. attach by way of a thin metal plate. I went for the thin metal plate. I have to baby it, make sure it is supported when plugging in or unplugging, have to watch out for bottoming and squishing the plate....and the van DOES bottom EASILY.

Some people have had the bumper cut done and they say it looks VERY ugly.

And that's how it goes on aftermarket work.

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