Tow by hand to backyard? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 01-15-2014, 04:36 PM   #1
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Name: heatherfeather
Trailer: in the market for a 13ft
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Tow by hand to backyard?

How many people does it take to pull your trailer by hand to a location? Can you pull it by hand across a grassy yard?

I have a location at the rear of my yard that I would like to store my trailer, but there is no pavement or simple car+trailer access. It would be easier to pull by hand with friends, but I wondered if that is even possible!

If you have done this please chime in!

If you are body builder, you might want to note that too. I am strong, but no body builder.
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Old 01-15-2014, 04:47 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by heatherfeather View Post
How many people does it take to pull your trailer by hand to a location? Can you pull it by hand across a grassy yard?

I have a location at the rear of my yard that I would like to store my trailer, but there is no pavement or simple car+trailer access. It would be easier to pull by hand with friends, but I wondered if that is even possible!

If you have done this please chime in!

If you are body builder, you might want to note that too. I am strong, but no body builder.
I used the simple dolly (second picture below) with good success on the yard, pulling all sorts of project trailers.
Then I built the little attachment for my lawnmower shown (first picture)...
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Old 01-15-2014, 06:07 PM   #3
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Across flat grass, with the dolly pictured above, would not be a problem. If there are any hills involved, it may be a bit more difficult. I added brake control to my dolly to help with the down hills:
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Old 01-15-2014, 08:50 PM   #4
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Heather, I have a 16' Scamp Deluxe. And, have a trailer dolly like the picture Floyd posted. I'm 5'7", weight porportioned to height and in my golden years. My trailer falls tongue down on the dolly. With enough grunting and groaning, I can move my trailer around on a flat, asphalt pad. Once it starts rolling, it's easy. Just getting it to move is the hard part! I do it by myself... but, I'm determined. I think with two people it would be easy-peasy. BUT, I'm talking asphalt... not grass. And there's Grass.. and then, there's Grass. I make no assumptions. YMMV
Donna D.
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Old 01-16-2014, 08:00 AM   #5
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Trailer Valet?

Hello All,

My Trillium is easy to move around on fairly level
hard surfaces but gets difficult on inclines and grass.
Without any extra food, gear, or clothing it weight
about 1550 lbs.

Has anyone tried the Trailer Valet?

Trailer, Outdoor, & RV Accessories - Trailer Valet

It looks like if would be good for moving the egg
around the yard or for spotting the trailer in spaces
difficult to get into with a tow vehicle attached?

Larry H
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Old 01-16-2014, 08:12 AM   #6
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Have a trailer valet, useless on grass or anything other than solid concrete. No way to get traction with the tiny wheels. I store my trailer in the yard and use a garden tractor to move it around too. Similar setup as Floyd posted. Just rigged a hitch to the power lift on mine. Got the tractor used for cheap and really all I use it for is moving stuff around the yard.

If you plan on keeping the trailer for any length of time, it might be worth investing in a small concrete pad/drive to keep it on. Even the thicker 2" concrete blocks should make a rail for the wheels. I do have concrete under the tires. Don't like the tires directly on soil. In a month they strart to make a depression and it gets WAY harder to get out than it was to get in.
2002 Casita 17' Bunk Model Delux (replaced 28' 5th wheel)
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Old 01-16-2014, 08:35 AM   #7
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I usually find someone "full of figure" to sit in the trailer at the table and with one pushing and another pulling I can go just about anywhere, no dolly needed.
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Old 01-16-2014, 09:13 AM   #8
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Be careful about inclines...once it gets started rolling downhill it can be hard to control. If you are on gravel, unless it is fine and well compacted, it is really really hard to move. We had one for our 16' Scamp and were never able to really move it on our gravel driveway.
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Old 01-16-2014, 09:15 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by heatherfeather View Post
How many people does it take to pull your trailer by hand to a location? Can you pull it by hand across a grassy yard?

I have a location at the rear of my yard that I would like to store my trailer, but there is no pavement or simple car+trailer access. It would be easier to pull by hand with friends, but I wondered if that is even possible!

If you have done this please chime in!

If you are body builder, you might want to note that too. I am strong, but no body builder.
I'm also in Oregon - west of Portland. If you live west of the Cascade Mountains, your trailer WILL embed itself in the ground during the rainy season all by itself once the ground softens up. Been there, it's much harder to move it then.

Charlie Y
Charlie Y

Don't drill holes, try custom storage you design:
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Old 01-16-2014, 09:31 AM   #10
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2nd Try...

I use a better quality (meaning not H.F.) 4 wheel moving dolly under the tongue jack and I (kinda small and older than dirt) can push a 4000+ lb trailer around on hard surfaces by myself. I usually push on the coach itself.

On grass you can buy two sheets of constrution grade plywood and lay them down end-to-end to use as a track for the dolly over the grass.

I also have an H.F. trailer dolly, but it's actually much harder to move a heavy trailer with if you are doing so solo.

Good Luck

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