Henry, I moved your response to the "private message" section and now don't know how to respond or even where to find it. So I guess we'd better stick with this approach for the time being. Thanks for your quick reply. Looks like I can't send my son over this weekend but let's keep at the conversation until we see if it's a go or no-go. We just got a new
Escape and heard the tow
weight is just 2000 lbs. I'm going to check on that. Meanwhile, I'm still not clear about the beds. My wife and I sleep on a regular double bed and don't plan to change that any time soon. Is the table that converts into a bed, the kind that two of us would be comfortable using together ? BTW, if we get to the point where we have to share phone numbers, I need to find a way to use that private posting approach. Maybe someone who's reading this can help.