NC 2012 ParkLiner-sold- - Fiberglass RV
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Old 04-24-2012, 10:52 AM   #1
Name: harry
Trailer: New Parkliner owner
North Carolina
Posts: 43
2012 ParkLiner-sold-

Bought this parkliner new on feb.2nd. Have checked it out, down to Myrtle Bch. SP for 3 days, and a trip to Gulfport, Ms. Long story, but, with the options in mine; dual tanks,batteries,3 way fridge, and AC, I paid $15,950, will consider any offer at or near as we can negotiate to $15,000. I can haul it 2-250 miles. email or call 910 742-8771, harry p.s. plenty of pics on this website, mine or Chandler's, or facebook
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Old 04-24-2012, 11:22 AM   #2
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Harry, does the trailer not meet your needs as expected ie quality, floorplan, ease of use, towing or is there some other reason you are selling it so soon unrelated to the trailer itself and therefore none of my business, lol.
Melissa in Florida
1999 Toyota Sienna XLE
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:53 PM   #3
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Can you please tell a bit of your "long story" to help understand why you would be selling a brand new trailer. Not asking for personal information, just with regards to the trailer itself. Sorry to hear if you can not keep it. Thanks!
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Old 04-24-2012, 03:47 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by melissab View Post
Harry, does the trailer not meet your needs as expected ie quality, floorplan, ease of use, towing or is there some other reason you are selling it so soon unrelated to the trailer itself and therefore none of my business, lol.
I am interested in knowing as well.
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Old 04-24-2012, 04:06 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by George A Shupp View Post
I am interested in knowing as well.

I live in NC and am in the market for another "egg". I too would be interested as to why you are selling so soon....

Harry, does your camper have the "magic table" option?
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Old 04-24-2012, 05:40 PM   #6
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OK I talked with Harry about selling his ParkLiner as I was very curious about why. He told me its not about the trailer as he is very pleased with it, and spoke highly about Chandler & Christopher of ParkLiner. He had planned to do a lot of traveling & camping, but his plans have changed. From some of Harry's pics he posted here early, I don't think he has the magic table option. Maybe Harry will chime in with more info , but he assured me he is very pleased with the camper. If anyone is interested give him a call, better to hear about what's in his camper from the owner himself.
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Old 04-24-2012, 06:13 PM   #7
Name: harry
Trailer: New Parkliner owner
North Carolina
Posts: 43
I don't know what happened with the reply I was writing, but anyone interested, by all means, call and ask away. I'm not sure I want to sell it, but it's a lot to have across the parking lot from my apt. until I want to go somewhere.
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Old 04-24-2012, 06:18 PM   #8
Name: harry
Trailer: New Parkliner owner
North Carolina
Posts: 43
It doesn't have either of those options, but you can probably get them from Chandler. He's patented the magic table.
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Old 05-21-2012, 02:13 PM   #9
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Tow it to Michigan for a purchaser.

If you have been looking for a new Parkliner camper - call Harry, his is for sale, and you will get a discount off the factory price.

I have been to the Parkliner factory and have seen them being built. I was impressed with their quality. I was close to pulling the triger and buying one but...before I did, I found a 17' Bigfoot in Canada and which I will be going up the first week of July to pick up. (Sorry Chandler)

So...If someone up North wants Harry's, its a clean new Parkliner, I will drag it up for a small pitance since I'm coming up anyway.

As da Yoopers say, "I go Gwinn."

My route north from Charlotte, NC will be 77 to Cleveland, Ohio, then the Toll road to Toledo, Ohio, then US-23 North to the Bridge, den the Seney streach to Marquette, den on to Gwenn, MI and Big Shag Lake and de camp. Yessssssssssssssss, da camp on Big Shag for de summer.

Well anyway, if any of you Yankees don't buy his, maybe you have a another camper that needs to go to Michigan.

I have truck which is fully insured, I'm competent (well, the wife may argue about that), and honest (sounds like a politician).
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Old 05-21-2012, 02:35 PM   #10
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I see that the Shag Lakes are right in between Pike Lake and Bass Lake. Why do you want to fish for shags instead of pike or bass? Is this where shag carpet was invented?

Your offer sounds like a great opportunity for someone!
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Old 06-03-2012, 02:38 PM   #11
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So a reminder...If someone up North wants Harry's Parkliner, its a clean new Parkliner, I will drag it up for a small pitance since I'm coming up anyway.

Oh my, there also may be a big problem at my camp!!! Mother-in-law just notified me they now think he is back (old report): coincidently it seems one of my mother-in-laws brothers just got of prison, again, and new footprints have been found by a neighbor, on our beach yesterday. I told her to call the cops and have them check inside da camp to see if the Cheetos and Busch beer I left in frig are gone (we don't lock doors, nothing worth taking).

These people are stupid, if they want to capture him they should just cruise the area looking for his “Bigfoot” camper. Cops should even stop at the Northwood’s store to see if they sold out of shampoo (he’s a little hairy, ya know).
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Old 12-30-2012, 06:50 AM   #12
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Sold to me on 12/28/12!
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