Originally Posted by ro williams
I believe it is about 1500 pounds 'dry weight'
Originally Posted by ro williams
Weighed once at 3,000#s at a truck scale, but was fully loaded w/ tanks full at the time.
Stated or advertized "
dry weights", especially for trailers built in the 1970s and 1980s, are at best optimistic and at worst
misleading. Yes, my
Fiber Stream came with a "spec sheet" that was written by the dealer who marketed it when new, stating a 1700 pound "Dry Weight". I decided to engage
Ronald Reagan's famous quote and weighed and re-weighed my my 1978 Fiber Stream, removing more and more parts of it that I thought should be included in the "Dry Weight" until I gave up;
never getting the trailer down to 1700 pounds. The lightest I ever achieved was 2000 pounds, but that
did not include the spare tire, the
propane tanks, the
battery, any holding tank hoses, fresh water hoses, or stabilizing jacks. I might have approached the goal IF I had removed the foam cushions and the roll-out
We are truly sorry to have to put this information in your ad, but who ever tows around a totally "dry" trailer anyway?

for reporting your 3000 pound weigh-in.