NV SOLD 1987 Scamp 13' $5000 firm -Reno - Fiberglass RV
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Old 04-24-2017, 12:50 AM   #1
Junior Member
Name: KC
Trailer: Scamp
Posts: 8
SOLD 1987 Scamp 13' $5000 firm -Reno

I love this trailer. We have had it two years and it's been to the desert, to Tahoe, to San Diego and many points in between. My wife though would like a bathroom, especially because we dry camp. I love it's simplicity, low weight, insulation and water-tight nature. We've spent many a rainstorm in bed happily listening to the rain on the roof. I'd keep it forever but happy wife = happy life.

It's an '87, and most everything is original. It sleeps up to four. It is the basic model- the table converts into a double bed and the couch into 2 bunks. It has no bathroom but does have a 2 year old marine porta porty which will be included.

The gas stove works great and feeds off one propane tank mounted on the tongue. The stove has a wooden cover. There is a heater and a 3-way fridge but no water heater or electric water pump. The hand pump works fine. All are original. The heater works fine- I’ve only had the heater on once. We’ve camped up in the mountains, and in rain and actually it gets too hot inside with it on, and we have been very cozy inside with a comforter or blanket.

The fridge shows its age. I had a local RV dealer check it out (and the heater); it works but should be replaced. I have heard that you can install one yourself and save lots of money, but I am not handy so I never have. We use it for storage and bring an ice chest.

Speaking of storage, there are numerous cabinets and spaces. There is a fresh water tank but no grey. The curtains I think are original as is the carpet and upholstery. I was going to replace the curtains as my next project but haven’t gotten around to it. The upholstery is beautiful. The carpet is older but serviceable.

I’ve added just a few things- LED light bulbs, new deep cell battery, new spare tire, Reno eNVy sticker. Everything else is like I got it and for a 30 year old trailer it is in great condition.

It tows with I believe a 3 or 5 prong adapter- just the turn signals and brake lights. No need for electric brakes. It was easy to install the harness on my Honda Pilot (thanks YouTube!). I believe it is 900+ lbs without any added weight. Super light because of it's lack of bathroom, water heater, AC etc. Most any car will tow it. I have taken it down to SoCal twice now. I get about 18-19 mpg towing it when I normally get 24-26 without it. I tend to speed though ☺

All the windows are in great shape. Very water proof (been rained on many times in it and remained cozy and dry). There is a missing pull on a cabinet but it is still easily opened.

It costs $44 a year in NV to register it. I also added it to my Geico account and it costs like $60 extra to insure it for loss/collision etc.

Included is a little wheeled dolly that allows you to move it around if you are on level ground (street etc.). That comes in handy to shoehorn it into a perfect spot in a campground etc. You'd be amazed where we have maneuvered it.

I personally love the fact that really not much can go wrong when camping (as again, I’m not too handy.

There are minor scrapes and pitting to the outside and inside but just normal wear for a 30 year old trailer. It shines up nice with marine wax and a buffer. The decals are intact- a few imperfections here and there. There is a gravel guard as well. The gravel guard's decal is the worst but still looks fine.

It was featured in a local photo shoot (see pic). I'm sure you veteran Fiberglassers know about the longing looks and conversations you get into wherever you go. I love it like a family member and will miss it when it's gone. I'd almost keep it and get another but we don't have the space for one trailer let alone two!

It is ready to camp in. It could remain in it's current state for another 30 years with just normal maintenance but it could be upgraded to new pretty easily. But when I camp I don't want microwaves or 40" flat screens so it has been perfect for us. Now I start my search for similar with a bathroom. I may make a road trip to the factory...
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Old 04-24-2017, 03:05 AM   #2
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Name: Dave
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Nice looking Scamp KC. Please let us or a mod when it sells.
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Old 04-24-2017, 07:03 AM   #3
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Name: Jeff
Trailer: Shopping for something simple
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Old 04-24-2017, 01:55 PM   #4
Junior Member
Name: KC
Trailer: Scamp
Posts: 8
Re. Scamp

Just an addendum.

The axle has been replaced. It is from an '80's GM product and I can't remember which, but kind of obscure. The people down at Les Schwab figured it out when I was looking for a replacement spare. It is in fine shape. I would have had to check around junkyards for a rim (the tire they stock) but I found a brand new rim and tire online (the internet is amazing).

Several campouts ago one of the bumper jacks broke- where the teeth bite into the length of the jack- and it would not adjust. A couple of wood blocks and I was fine for the trip but I replaced the entire jack (and painted the bumper while I was at it).

It pulls like there is nothing back there. So short there is no sway. No need for electric brakes unlike past trailers. Sometimes I catch myself looking in the rear view mirror instead of the sides because I subconsciously forget and look at a Scamp gravel guard staring me in the face
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Old 04-26-2017, 05:39 AM   #5
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Name: Mary
Trailer: In the Market
Posts: 7
I'm very interested my phone is 505/913-9532. Mary.
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Old 04-26-2017, 01:57 PM   #6
Junior Member
Name: KC
Trailer: Scamp
Posts: 8
Sold it today... I am sad to see it go but it went to a nice young family that is tired of tent camping who have been looking for one for a while. Thanks to this forum for all the helpful information since I've had it and for the classifieds!
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Old 04-26-2017, 01:58 PM   #7
Junior Member
Name: KC
Trailer: Scamp
Posts: 8
It sold today. Both happy and sad right now :/
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