Edited to add: I have semi-sorted out my PM box, so there is space in it now for incoming messages (it seems that my sent and incoming messages were randomly sorted with the new software).
Hi Amy,
I've just ordered the full set of gasketry from Vintage, and was planning to list the extra
for sale here when I finished with it. Even with a potential blunder or two, though, I can't imagine not having quite a bit of "backframe gasket" and "standard glass seal" left over.
I was traveling when we switched to the new board software, and now my PM system is way over the message limit and I can't use it to receive or send PMs until I clear it out (I guess this software does not allow as many saved messages?). Right now I don't have the time to go through and sort it out. If you'd like to give an e-mail address, or maybe add an e-mail link to your profile so I could send you one, I'd be happy to talk over transferring some gaskets

Otherwise, I'll list my extra
for sale here in a few weeks, by which time I should have the PM backlog sorted out.
Wish me luck on the project. I've got backframe gasket, standard glass seal, and slider plastic on the way for the small
windows (the glass fasteners, operator, screen, and slider frame piece all look fine); and then header seal, J-seal, and a philips hinge, and operators on the way for the dinette windows (not sure I need the operators, but want to have them on hand just in case). Plus butyl tape for all. I'm going to wait on the vinyl insert (covers the screw heads) until I get mine out and measured, since they are easy to put on after the job is done. Whew!