Originally Posted by Rob702
Hello I am Rob from Las Vegas, Nevada. We going to pick up our 2008 Casita Spirit Deluxe Saturday. Merry Christmas!!
We are already thinking about adding an awning and an axel upgrade with 15" wheels set up to do highway speeds. I would appreciate any advise on purchasing options (what to buy and where to buy it). Any help would be appreciated.
We want to start RVing and seeing the US. We are planning a trip in November next year for our 20 year anniversary.
Welcome! Since you mentioned you are new to RVing, just a caution about “highway speeds.” The
Casita is a naturally stable trailer and most good ST
tires, whether 14” or 15”, are rated for 80+ mph. However, most towing guides and experienced trailer owners recommend limiting towing speeds to around 65 mph. Some states mandate even slower speeds when towing.
With good
tires, a well balanced trailer, and appropriate use of
weight distribution and sway control, the sky won’t
fall if you go a bit faster, but (1) there’s simply more that can go wrong with an articulated rig, and even if the mistake is someone else’s, the faster you’re going, the uglier things can get, and (2) what’s the hurry?- you’re on vacation! As long as you’re not impeding the reasonable flow of traffic, you don’t need to go so fast.
Congrats and best wishes for many safe travels with your new-to-you Casita!