Hello! I am the newest possible newbie to the Egghead community, having just discovered the existence of
fiberglass RVs quite by accident. At the risk of being long-winded, I'll share my story in hopes of catching up to what seems to be the answer to my prayers, as it were.
For years, I have wanted to and begun to plan for the day when I am freed from the onus of home ownership and permanently installed in a trailer. I thought, like many people, that the Airstream was the only aesthetically appropriate option. Two years ago, I made the mistake of buying a "fixer-upper" 31' Sovereign International. Suffice it to say that I grossly underestimated the amount of work and expense of that project, not to mention the added expense of a proper tow vehicle and so on. Wisely, I think, I abandoned the idea and took a loss on the Land Yacht.
Following an unfortunate encounter with anesthetic during joint replacement surgery a few years ago, I sustained a brain injury and now am surviving solely on Social Security Disability Income. Maintaining my house and heating it during Maine winters is no longer a viable option, and I am in the throes of cleaning out the house and selling everything I own, toward the end of finally getting into that RV.
Lo and behold, while browsing "motor homes" and "RVs" on craigslist and in Uncle Henry's, I stumbled upon an ad for a 13'
Scamp and realized I was looking at HOME. Well, not that particular trailer, but after some quick research I realized that a 13'
fiberglass trailer is the perfect option for me, and I was elated to discover that I will be able to tow it with a Subaru or other small vehicle!
If you've read this far, I thank you! One of the things I hope to learn from this fabulous forum starts with this: I had no idea there were so many different makes of
fiberglass trailers. What is the best way for me to learn about the benefits and pitfalls of each? Are there "preferred" makers? Are any known as "Ëdsels," or lemons? I have no idea where to start, but then again maybe I do, since I'm about to post this...
Thanks, and I look forward to being part of this community!