Hi there Folks
Hi Vanessa, welcome to FiberglassRV. BTW... I wanna biod too
Let us know what you find that works for you
! Thanks for the welcome, Donna...I'm actively looking and will be more than excited to share what ends up being THE camping cabana for me and my road dawg!
I luv the quick reply with pic links to Bob, about the ever catching Biod...was enamored with them back in the mid 70's the first time I saw one on the road to Windsor Canada. I saw them again when I camped in the Netherlands. I think they've held the test of time which is why I like them even more today.
Junior Member
Fiberglass rv 4sale.com its been on there a while. But for 1500 its worth a call it may still there.
I appreciate the update, Frankie. I went ahead and called the seller today. Amazingly they're 15 minutes from my son. I hope to hear back one way or another, if it's
sold, at least to let the moderator know to move the post to the
sold section.
Hope you've all enjoyed your St Patty's Day!
Erin go bragh!