Hi, I've been skulking on this site for oh, a while, and since it looks like I'm going to take the big plunge and acquire a
Boler (has to be a Canadian camper, it being Canada Day and all...!), I figured I should join up...
And while I have been learning about Bolers since I first saw one
for sale by the side of the road and fell in love but couldn't stop, just to prove how new I am, I've got a truly dopey question...
Boler I'm looking at is a 13 ft with front dinette or alternate portapotty in a box, which also serves as a base when you put the bed down. SO: where do the box and portapotty go when you have it set up as a dinette? I have scoured Dr Google looking for this, to no avail... Maybe in what appears to be an exterior storage compartment just past the door (that IS a storage compartment, isn't it??), or somewhere else?
Love the site, hope I can get an answer that doesn't lead to yet another episode of 'I have this friend, she's smarter than this story is going to make her sound...'