Hi June, welcome aboard!
I only knew about Scamps and Casitas when I was starting to think about RVing. (Those run ads in the AARP newsletter) I first looked at stickbuilt RVs- both teardrops and small name brands and ultra
lights. I don't call 7500 to 10,000 lbs an untralight myself!
When my worsening back ruled out the Aspen motorcycle popup and teardrops, I then looked at Rpods. Decided they were the answer to a maiden's (matron's) prayer. However, seemed like impossible to buy one without a slide and all the "how to: buy, repair, renovate" videos on YouTube had made me definitely rule out slides. Shortly before the burglar dropped off our 4th cat, we had found some R pods at a local dealership and I most certainly did not like their layout IRL.
Back to the drawing board and I decided, remembering the ads thru AARP, to google
Scamp. One of the hits was THIS BOARD! WOWEE! started lurking Immediately!
To me it was just amazing how many different manufacturers of molded fiberglass trailers there really are!
I narrowed the competition down to
Parkliner and LilSnoozy, since I live in SE FL and those factories are close to my DS in NC and my DGS in Charleston.
Parkliner was really impressive! It has an amazing lot of storage space But DH let me know he would be accompanying me on my camping trips- a change from the middle and last decades of our marriage. With him along, and adding in 3 cats..it was doable but just barely. DH is NOT a minimalist, and I wanted to avoid the dinette/bed setup and breakdown. And there would not have been a discreet place for the ultralarge litter pan. (I can see one or two cats in, if the bunk option were active, since the bunks space would be doubled)
The LilSnoozy was fantastic ! It was already all electric (personal reasons- did not want
propane, butane or coleman fuel to be part of our rig) had a DEDICATED queensized bed with roomy storage under it, (space for the ultrasized litterpan) a jackknife sofa for additional sleep space, and only weighed 2,400 lbs.
Having used it for about 11 days of camping I can tell you that's a pretty good mattress. I found it necessary to add a mattress cover for both of us comfort, and the cats this last trip stopped trying to
escape constantly (they were already used to travelling, but expected every stopover to be back at our weekend lake house)
Oh, and we're up to 4 cats now, as I mentioned.
Have fun looking- getting there is half the fun!
PS if you want to see a particular RV make without travelling to the factory, you can call the factory and ask if there are any owners in your area so you can see them firsthand. I told LilSnoozy I'de be happy to show off my camper to anyone who was close. Shown it 3-4 times since we picked it up.