Hi from Aubrey Texas, for I am a New Member to the Forum.
I have a 2011
Casita Spirit DLX that I purchased New From the Factory.
I am 47 Years of Age and Still Working , but can't wait to hit the road full time.
In the mean time I have put a few miles on our Little
Casita we Named R2D2 , and call it just RR2 for short. We have pulled R2 from Texas to the West Coast of the Great Red Woods already twice and Several Local Trips as well.
I have added a few of the Small Mods ,,,Fast Gray Water ,, power surge, toilet shut off ,,
battery disconnect,, etc.... Along with re-welding the front to carry a single 30lb
propane bottle ,,, and a Honda 2000
Generator under the double
propane cover,
In addition I have a welded hitch receiver along with the Orbital Off the back Spare Tire Carrier ,,, and recently just got the Orbital 3" Lift Kit which I'm about to install with the Shock Kit ,,,,
Also added the "shelved the closets" from the Kit Pattern from Little House Customs ,,,, along with Bedding and Curtains on the Interior ,,, All in Star Wars Fabric,,,
Which I Would Like to Thank All the Postings from a Variety of Forums providing the information which allowed me to Add my Mods...