Hello there. my name is Tucker and my wife's name is April. We have 6 kids and 3 grandkids. I am retired from the Army and currently run a private Men's Club. Not what it sounds like. average age of member is 57, Alot like a VFW,Eagles, Elks etc,. Main difference is we are not affiliated with anyone and the members actually own the club. Our youngest son will be headed to the Army in 6 years and that is when April and I will begin our second life together on the road. We actually started out with the idea of being skoolies but over the last year or so of planning I stumbled across a picture of the
scamp 19' fifth wheel and our plans changed. I love the idea of small with nothing more than is needed. We are still deep in the planning stages so we are no where near (2years atleast) ready to buy. I am planning on never being able to plug in.
Solar for everything and a small custom made woodburner for heat. Also even though I have fallen in love with the idea of a small fifth wheel, I aint infatuated with anything less than 30 gallon of freshwater. also since I never plan to plug in I will have to install a composting toilet instead of a flusher.
Enough for now I look forward to picking everyone's brain since I plan to do all modifications myself and dont currently own a truck.