Much can and has been said about a getting a good deal on a good camper. Having the ability to purchase rapidly is important. Avoiding scams, become familiar with the prices by following the
for sale section here and at to get an idea of what these campers go for.
Biggest trick is to avoid things that require big upfront work or expense to even use the camper. Totally shot
axle, numerous or bad
leaks, rotted floor in short the stuff that makes it so you can't use the camper.
Even with some stuff not working and used as a hard sided tent one can make repairs and improvements over time. Sometimes better to use a bit in order to know what could be done during the remodel and fix up to make it better for the way you use it.
A camper with good bones as they say. Learn what you can about the appliances,
axle repairs etc. by just browsing the site. Do a search on some item or aspect and browse. Can learn a lot.