Hello! My name's
Dustin. I'm a truck driver, and I live in the Upstate region of SC. While I drive one of the largest road-bound vehicles around, I have an affinity for small things, and am an outdoorsman at heart. My love for the Ford Festiva
(small things!) and camping, fishing, and trailers (10-4, good buddy!}-
has brought me here.
Just to get this out of the way, I am perfectly fine with a teardrop 5-wide behind my car, but my wife "isn't going to be buried and so will not lay in a coffin!" Okay. Time for the smallest possible, lightest camper around; a
fiberglass, home-built, 10-foot trailer. I've looked at "real world trailer weights" and I realize, I may need a larger vehicle for that anyway. It's not going to stop me from trying, though. My GVWR goal is 1,000lbs, which the Festiva has been proven to pull, albeit responsibly. I hope that what I find here will help me in my endeavors.
My idea is to use a bamboo-framed
fiberglass shell on a tubular aluminum chassis in a 6x10 size in hi-lo fashion (for less drag) using plastic for
windows instead of glass, mimicking a cargo trailer in shape, and possibly continuing with the bamboo as a building material in the camper, since it's so
light compared to other types of "wood." *gasp for air* I have absolutely no idea how much that would cost, or if there would ever be a market for such a thing.
If in fact I realize I'm crazy before you do,
I may just switch to pulling a 10-foot pre-fab model with a Mitsubishi Mighty Max instead. I'm game. It may be fun to
paint the trailer up in camouflage, although I may actually lose it.
As a side note, I'm glad to see a forum that doesn't have so many, well...
More family oriented. I'm known as DriverOne on just about every forum I frequent (my driver status in the big truck), so if you see me somewhere else, you've probably stumbled upon another one of my obsessions. Check to see if it's me first though! That being said, welcome to my forum.
-{what did he say?)
Just kidding. I look forward to meeting you all, and possibly going to a
rally. In the fordfestiva.com forum I'm a part of, we have many meets, the biggest of which is
Festiva Madness. I also have a meet April 1st, where Kamping and Kabining is a major part of it. Ask me more if you like! Until then, I give you, me.