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Originally Posted by gmcgilli66
1. The ensolite has shrunken back in one corner, leaving a space of 2" between it and the f/g. Is this repairable? What's your recommendation?
This is repairable. but it is no small job. The ensolite will need new contact cement. I am assuming that it is seperating at the upper corner. That is a common problem spot. Carefully shave as close to the fibreglass as possible to expose a flap of ensolite. Clean off the old glue from both the ensolite and the fibreglass. Using your choice of contact cement, (I would pick a low VOC water based product) coat both the ensolite and the fibreglass. The way contact cement works is, once it is dry, you press it together. Get it right the first time, because once it sticks, that is it. You won't be able to pull it off. You will have to start shaving again.
Assuming you are fixing the upper coroner, the trick is to attach it at the corner where it meets the roof piece and the side piece. Then carefully attach the edges. This will leave a bubble of unattached ensolite. It is important that you either do this on a warm day, or use a blow dryer to heat the ensolite. Once it is warm and pliable, slowly work your way from the outside in. Stretching the ensolite as you go.
It may help if you pre-stretch it. Before you shave a flap, heat the ensolite and push it into corner. Then brace it with something, (pillow on a stick?) and let it cool. This way, when you are working it into the corner, it will be more evenly stretched and not get so tight by the time you reach the end.
Originally Posted by gmcgilli66
2.The t-rail has also shrunken in a few seams and "wrinkled" up. How do I fix this?
This time, you are in luck. this is a quick and easy fix. Take the T-rail off. It just snaps into a grove that is glued to the fibreglass. Then boil the T-rail. It will soften up and become pliable. Lay it flat till it cools. Then snap it back in. A rubber mallet helps.
Originally Posted by gmcgilli66
3. The suspension seems slightly "sagged" on one side. Can this be repaired?
Sort of. It is probably best to just leave it and sell it the way it is. Otherwise, you need a new
axle. Not cheap.
Originally Posted by gmcgilli66
4. One window handle crank is damaged. Where can a replacement be found?
Also an easy fix. Any RV shop will have new ones for like $5 each. They might not match exactly, but there are likely only six of them, so just buy a complete set.
Hope that helps.