Hi everyone,
I bought a Miti-Lite (I think) last weekend from a person who restores old cars. It's in great condition and all
fiberglass - weighs just 765 lbs. There is no brand name on it - and the
windows are different from the other Miti-Lites I've seen. I just had a trailer hitch put on my VW Jetta TDI yesterday and have been towing my new trailer around - just getting a feel for it. This is my fourth rv having owned a Vixen (way too much work and $ for me), a vanagon, and Eurovan before. I've never owned a trailer before so this will take some getting used to.
It's always been a game for me to see how high I can get my fuel economy thus the Jetta/Miti-Lite combo. So far the results have been great with this little trailer. We are about to take it on a 10 day vacation. After that I will know how it really works for us.
Here are some pics...