Questions:I am having the brakes done, bearings repacked and tires replaced. Does that sound like enough for the 300 mile ride home?
All a good idea! If the trailers axel and hitch are in good shape and all the
lights work that should be all you will need to do to get it home.
The fan has a cover that appears several inches tall. Has anyone removed one of these and can it be done easily?
If its the large white
escape hatch you are talking about you can get the cover off to replace it but the fan has a lip that it goes down over that sticks up from the roof that you can not get off without removing the whole hatch. So removing just the hatch cover may not buy you much reduction in height if that is the goal.
Should I be concerned with the axle on a 1996? How long do the axles generally last on the Scamp 16?
I have a 92 and the
axle is still good.... a lot depends on what/where the previous owner towed the trailer and under what conditions it has been used and stored. Any easy way to tell is if there is enough room to fit a hand width between the top of the tire and the trailer its still good to go. Although I am sure someone will give you a more technical way of telling.
I have seen some threads discussing air conditioning mods. Scamp says they stopped the side AC due to overheating. Is there a preferred AC model or install method to prevent overheating?
A rear window mounted one is another option - the previous owner gave me one that he had used in the rear window along with the holder he made for it..... I found once I put a Fantastic Fan in the trailer I didnt need to haul around the AC though.
If you havent already you may want to print off the buyers check list
found here.
Enjoy your new trailer & have a safe trip home.