Originally Posted by SDSHAW
We pick up our Casita in May which seems like a long way off. Pictures are sure to be forthcoming.
Yup, the wait seems like f-o-r-e-v-e-r! We waited three months for ours and got it last October. We have the 17 SD and we are very pleased with it and with the entire factory experience.
This site and the Casita forum are great places for info. I'm sure you already know this, spend the bucks and buy the A-Z Casita owners manual
for sale on love my Casita. Without exception it is the best $30 you will ever spend on your Casita. The other plus is that it will make the few months wait so much more fun as you read that very detailed manual.
The other must buy, the rubber door stopper to go on the outside of your entry door. If you don't put one on you will have a dent in your door from the adjoining bellyband in short order.
You may find like many of us have, the Casita is the perfect combination of small size for easy towing and enough interior room for comfort.
Congrats on a great choice