Thanks for the vote(s) of confidence. I hope it's obvious I'm not meaning to boast at all about "bringing something back to life" that mere mortals couldn't do... just a job skill that uniquely fits this particular situation.
I'll have plenty to learn from lots of the folks on here and the FB site on various other aspects of the care of our new camper. I'm only marginally competent at wiring and upholstery stuff, for instance... and have already been learning different methods for going about sealing
leaks around exterior lamps, or sourcing something useable for an original part that's no longer made.
I made calls yesterday to a couple independent insurance agencies, wondering what it would cost to insure the camper... pleasantly surprised to get quotes of $10-15/month.
The agents seemed a bit surprised by how "old" the camper was. I was just thinking that if it's an '85 (
not sure), it's 16 years newer than anything I have in my shop right now! (
And less than 1/2 as old as I am... but who's counting?)
Gonna be hard to wait for another week to pass...