Okay time to talk about blackwater tanks, poop and dispersed camping.
I truly believe you're overthinking this. No one wants to haul sewage water or store it inside a trailer. 99% of all molded trailers have blackwater tanks inside the trailer. The secret isn't more storage, but dispersement. I'm thinking of RVSue who is out in dispersed camping for a month at a time. She doesn't hang on to blackwater, but gets rid of it. Google is your friend.
You are allowed to literally pour blackwater into the ground... through dispersement in BLM and the national forest... if you follow the rules. Can't do it within {x} amount of feet of a waterway, etc. There again, Google is your friend.
Have a DIY tote or commercial tote... drain off the amount, dig a pit.. and pour it in. Just follow the rules and be a steward of the environment.
We've found over the years, it's not blackwater storage folks are concerned with but graywater. You want to wash dishes and take a shower and wash your hair.... graywater tanks typically fill up faster than blackwater. That's why folks have figured out a way to capture graywater and pour it into the blackwater tank to flush. Same dispersement rules apply.