Scott, The only big items to look for are a sagging front curb side, and a spongy floor.
A spongy floor is a symptom of rot in the 3/4" plywood that is sandwiched, in the floor, between the outer shell and the inner shell that the furniture is made of.
A sagging front curb side is more serious. I have no idea how to repair it. To identify, put a straight edge on the floor from in front of the
fridge, toward the door of the trailer. If the floor sags toward the door, this is a bad sign. Also, if you are about 6' tall, stand on the tongue of the trailer and look down the flat section of the roof, on the curb side. Does the closet form a high point on the roof? Also a bad sign.
Originally Posted by caderider1
My 81 Trilluim 13oo has the heater on the door side under the closet.
When gravity furnaces were deemed unsafe, due to high surface temperatures,
Trillium had to look at forced air furnaces. They put a Coleman forced air
furnace, on the 1300's, above the wheel well, and below the closet. Tom Young, of
Trillium Trailers, said that someone at the factory thought it made the closet look pregnant. They also put forced air furnaces under the dinette seats. Below are pictures of the
furnace, and a cupboard made of where the furnace should go.